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Svetlana Mihajlovna Kalashnikova 

+7(928) 151-12-38

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

- Literature and culture of the late XIX – the early XX centuries, work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn, genre poetics of Russian prose of the XX century, Russian poetry of the XX century.
- Management of students' research work on master's theses on the topics connected with the research interests.


Research projects:

Virtual museum "A.I. Solzhenitsyn in Rostov-on-Don"


  • History of Russian literature of the XX century (Part 1)
    the purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the cultural and historical background, to identify the key tendencies in the development of Russian literature of the ХХ century, to reveal the relationship between the two streams of Russian literature of the ХХ century ; metropolis and Diaspora, to compare Russian literature of the XX century with the main tendencies in the development of European culture, to improve students' understanding of the rliterary process of the XX century., to determine the place of Russian literature of the XX-XXI centuries in the history of the wold literature.
  • History of Russian literature XX-early XXI centuries (part 1)
    )": the course objective is to form a system of students' knowledge on the history of Russian literature of the XX;XXI centuries., to develop students' skills and abilities connected with the analysis of literary works.
  • Russian culture and artistic work: problems of mutual influence
    the priorities of the course is the study of the interaction of Russian culture and artistic work, and also the definition of the place of literary art in the historical and cultural context.
  • Literary trends and historical and literary process
    the course is designed to form a system of students' knowledge about the facts of origin and existence in Russian literature of the XX;XXI centuries of a huge range of different artistic initiatives in order to develop students' skills and abilities connected, on the one hand, with the understanding of the laws of the development of socio-cultural and literary process in Russia, on the other hand, with the analysis of the literary work in the context of the system of cultural coordinates.
  • The system of genres in Russian literature. Part 1" (magistracy):
    the course allows a student to gain advanced knowledge about the features and patterns of development of the system of genres of Russian literature of the XIX ; XX centuries, about the artistic nature of certain genre formations of Russian prose of the XIX-XX centuries in terms of their formation and development, as well as to develop skills and abilities associated with analytical reading of fiction and critical literature on the basis of mastering knowledge in the field of history and theory of literature, understanding the connection of the history of literature of the XIX-XX centuries and the Humanities (history, philosophy, cultural studies, etc.).
  • Prose of the Russian symbolists