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Sergey Mikhailovich Gushansky 

+7(918) 556-16-25

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Research interests:

Scientific interests: The study of quantum computers used as high-performance computing systems; Development of models of quantum computers; Methods for constructing quantum simulators and developing a theory and principles for constructing hardware accelerators for simulating quantum computers; The investigation of quantum algorithms used in pattern recognition, quantum walk algorithms; Organization of work of parallel computing systems

Research projects:

The topic of the grant RFBR: "Investigation of methods for constructing quantum simulators and developing a model of a quantum calculator"


  • Operating Systems
    This discipline is intended for students to acquire knowledge in the field of organization and construction, modes of operation and functions, subsystems and interfaces, conceptual frameworks, architecture and internal mechanisms of operating systems (OS), as well as skills and skills of effective OS usage in professional activities.
  • Quantum Computing
    The purpose of the discipline is to form the competence of students in the field of basic physical and mathematical concepts, principles and methods, as well as the results achieved so far relating to the field of quantum computation and quantum information
  • Real-time operating systems and cross-platform programming
    The purpose of the discipline is to acquire knowledge, skills and skills aimed at mastering modern real-time operating systems, as well as practical skills in cross-platform programming in modern programming languages and conducive to successful self-realization in future professional activity, satisfaction of the individual's needs for intellectual development in the field of informatics and Computer technology.