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Elena Viacheslavovna Serdiukova 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11590

+7(905) 429-44-33

Senior lecturer

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Research interests:

Serdyukova’s research interests are historical lexicology and historical grammar of the Russian language, the Old Slavonic language. As of 2020 she has 63 publications, including 47 scientific works and 16 study guides. She published two articles in journals listed in the Russian Higher Attestation Commission’s catalogue in 2019-2020. She published the Russian historical grammar study guide, 144 pages long, in 2019.


  • Old Slavonic
    The course deals with the origins of Slavic writing system and Slavic alphabets, the phonetic system of the Old Slavonic and its previous history, characteristics of the Old Slavonic grammar and the way it was used in the Old Slavonic written records.
  • Historical Grammar of the Russian Language
    The course deals with the way the phonetic and morphological systems of the Russian language developed historically.
  • Historical Lexicology
    The specialty course devoted to the history of Russian lexis development
  • Latin
    A brief development history of Latin, with focus on the major aspects of Latin phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.