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Svetlana Alexeevna Melnikova 

Senior lecturer

Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Research interests:

Painting, pedagogy, drawing

Research projects:

Melnikova Svetlana Alekseevna-teacher of the Department of Painting, Graphics and Sculpture
Academy of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University.
In 2008, she graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Southern Federal University with a degree in 070901 - "Painting".
In 2013, she graduated from the post-graduate program of the Southern Federal University with a degree in 13.00.02 " Theory and methodology of teaching and education (fine arts)".
Since 2009, a member of the youth association of the Rostov regional branch of the Union of Artists of Russia.
Member of the "Union of Watercolorists of Russia", participant of regional, All-Russian and international art exhibitions.
Since 2015, member of the International Union of Teachers and Artists, Moscow
Since 2020, the International Watercolor Society IWS Globe.

Since 2008-Lecturer at the Academy of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University.

Participant of regional, regional, national and international art

Education and advanced training: advanced training: Southern Federal University (27.08.2018-20.10.2018)
" Development and application of online courses in the educational process"
Certificate of advanced training N 612407483170 / registration number 318-22/1,065; volume 72 hours
advanced training: Southern Federal University (05.02.2019-08.02.2019)
" Modern methods of Teaching Architecture and Design (Contemporary Methods of Teaching Architecture and Design)"
Certificate of advanced training N 612407484222 / registration number 702.22-35/69; volume of 20 hours
advanced training: RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (06.02.2019-08.02.2019)
"Contemporary Methods of Teaching Architecture and Design" 20 hour course Certificate SeriesPNI NA 0273 February 8, 2019
Certificate Series PNI No A 0286 February 8, 2019
Advanced training: Cherepovets State University (07.12.2020-25.12.2020)
" Inclusive education in secondary education and higher education"
Certificate of advanced training N 353500002157 registration number 3960; volume 84 hours
professional development: CHOU DPO Center for Educational Services "Lan", Saint Petersburg (05.11.2020-29.11.2020)
" Modern technologies of teaching entrepreneurship , including social entrepreneurship"
Certificate of advanced training N 782412100385 registration number 9767; volume 108 hours


  • drawing