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Svetlana Alekseevna Korobko 

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Research interests:

Corporate finance, public and municipal finances, budgetary process, risks,risk management


  • Budgetary system
    The study of the course is aimed at developing students' basic knowledge, theoretical foundations and practical skills in the field of organization of budgetary relations. In the process of studying the course, students get acquainted with the basic terms, concepts, principles and methods of organizing budgetary relations. Get an idea of the structure of the budget system and the interaction of its elements.
  • Bases of financial management
    The main purpose of teaching this discipline is to increase the level of theoretical knowledge of students in terms of financial management, as well as gaining practical skills in its implementation. Mastering the discipline contributes to the acquisition by students of real knowledge obtained as a result of studying both general principles and specific methods and techniques for managing the financial activities of enterprises.
  • Business game "Corporation +"
    The course is a business computer game with decision-making in a specialized licensed program and involves virtual enterprise management. The program used in the educational process is a collective network game. This program is distinguished by a set of management decisions and a large amount of reporting and analytical information. It consistently develops management skills in a competitive environment, provides specific economic knowledge, and develops an economic way of thinking. The business game is a kind of interactive textbook on management and finance with a huge number of examples generated by the actions of the students themselves. Within the framework of this game, each student can test himself in the role of a leader who has full power in the company and at the same time bears full responsibility for its affairs.
  • Finance and credit
  • Corporate finance
  • Taxation of enterprises
    The objectives of mastering the discipline are as follows: - study the structure of the tax system of the Russian Federation, the current state and prospects for the development of taxation; - consider the taxation management system, the rights and obligations of participants in tax relations, forms and types - to give masters basic theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of calculation and payment of federal, regional and local taxes and fees, as well as duties, insurance premiums and other mandatory non-tax payments; - study the procedure for applying special tax regimes.
  • Taxes, taxation and tax accounting
    The study of the discipline will allow students to better understand the regulatory possibilities of taxes and fees, their impact on the formation of the financial results of an enterprise, gaining practical skills in calculating tax payments and the tax burden on an enterprise, as well as studying the organization of tax accounting.