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Konstantin Yevgenievich Rumyantsev 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30039

+7(928) 182-72-09


Southern Federal University

Head of the department

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Doctor of Engineering Sience, Professor and Department Chair

Profession (position, subject): Department chairman of information security of telecommunication systems, Federal State-Owned Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Education “Southern Federal University”.

Development of radio DSP principles based on fiber-optic structures with information processing by heterogeneous insertions. Estimation of fiber-optic DSP performance. Parameters optimization for equipment for low-level optic radiation sources search and detecting. Methodology of operative detection of unauthorized penetration into information systems and networks by means of radio-electronic and optic devices.

Research projects:

Plan of activities:

The research includes principles of construction, theory of analysis, algorithms of functioning, and models of the registrars of weak light signals.

Other interests regarding the visit:

Information security in telecommunication systems. Methodology of operative detection of unauthorized penetration into information systems and networks by means of radio-electronic and optic devices.

Development of radio processors based on fiber-optic and optoelectronic structures

Information media of self-knowledge, self-estimation and self-planning of educational activity, development of an individual in new information environment

Download CV (pdf)