Petr Yurievich Voloshchenko
+7(000) 000-00-00
Associate Professor
Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering
Research interests:
microwave electronics systems
Microwave vacuum microelectronics
Discipline consists of two modules: Simulation of coherent nonlinear processes and wave phenomena in the system of ultrafast devices with electrostatic control; Constructive-technological performance of microwave systems formed interactive microelectronic devices.
Physics of wave processes
Discipline consists of two modules: electrical and electronic model of wave propagation; Theory of inertial electrical processes in the microwave products of radio-, micro - and nanoelectronics.
Electronic components of security systems
Discipline consists of two modules: fundamentals of semiconductor electronics and nanoelectronics; advanced mathematical model of electrical processes in two-, three - and four-layer semiconductor structures.
Physical basics of electronics and nanoelectronics
Discipline consists of several modules: basics of electronic phenomena, electron emission, Vacuum two - and multi-electrode devices, the electrical discharge in rarefied gases, Plasma (or discharge) devices.