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Yulia Vladimirovna Privalova 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30114

+7(863) 439-34-33

Head of the department

Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Primary research interests focus on the efficiency of international online projects as a way to develop linguistic and intercultural competencies while teaching foreign languages to STEM students as well as on procedural negotiations in language education and teaching translation as a type of cross-cultural speech communication.


Research projects:

  • Latent associative-semantic relations between terms based on summary texts of materials on robotic systems
  • Text preprocessing features for automated language information extraction using generative language model based on text summaries of English-language materials in the field of additive manufacturing
  • Latent associative-semantic relations between terms based on summary texts of materials on artificial intelligence and photonics systems
  • Text preprocessing features for automated language information extraction using neural network based on summary texts of English-language materials in the field of electronic warfare and radar systems
  • Special linguistic means of formalizing the language of scientific and technical summary based on foreign materials in the field of robotics, electronic warfare, radar systems, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems
  • Semantics of terms-attributive word combinations of the thematic block “Technologies of creation of advanced foreign radar systems, satellite communication systems and communication satellites” on the material of English-language scientific and technical texts in the relevant spheres of engineering and technology
  • Semantic field segments based on the commonality of terminological units of the thematic block “Foreign research in the field of aerospace application of nuclear power plants and reactors” on the material of the corpus of English-language articles in the relevant technological fields
  • Structural-semantic and functional features of lexemes representing the concept "management" in the framework of scientific and technical discourse based on foreign materials
  • Text preprocessing features for automated language information extraction by artificial intelligence systems based on wind power plant operation manuals
  • Latent associative-semantic relations between terms based on the texts of wind turbine operating manuals
  • Adaptation of Spanish-language texts of wind turbine operating manuals for Russian users
  • Comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the construction of semantic fields of the concepts “space aircraft” and “hypersonic technologies” in the framework of scientific and technical discourse on the basis of foreign materials; research on structural-semantic and functional features of lexemes representing the concept “micro-autonomous technologies and systems
  • Analysis of linguistic and stylistic features of English-language scientific text
  • Semantic peculiarities of formation of synonymic series of the concept "aerospace propulsion systems" within the framework of scientific and technical discourse on the basis of foreign materials
  • Features of translation of scientific texts in the field of science and technology from Russian into English and from English into Russian
  • Features of the structure of foreign-language scientific text based on the translation of scientific articles from Russian into English


  • Intermediate EFL All skills
  • Advanced EFL All skills
  • Advanced Reading
  • Advanced EFL/ESP for Science Postgraduate Students
  • Course Design and Materials Development
  • Masterpieces of English Literature

Download CV (pdf)