Evgeniya Valer'evna Prazdnova
+7(908) 511-94-97
Head of the Scientific Laboratory
Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies
Research interests:
genetics, biochemistry and physiology of microorganisms; genetics and epigenetics of symbiotic interactions of micro- and macroorganisms; antioxidants, antimutagens, gerontoprotectors (geroprotectors), probiotics.
Research projects:
Project management experience:
1. RFBR project 2-04-31547 mol_a "Study of the adaptogenic action of low molecular weight organic cations using bacterial biosensors", 2012-2013
2. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists "Isolation of metabolites of probiotic bacteria exhibiting antimutagenic, SOS-inhibiting and antioxidant activity" 2018-2019, project No. MK-5950.2018.4
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