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Sergey Petrovich Potseluev 

+7(903) 403-72-94


Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies


Southern Federal University

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

  • political discourse analysis,
  • cultural and anthropological aspects of political processes,
  • theory of democracy,
  • history of domestic and foreign Marxism.


Research projects:

  • Moral Frames of Contemporary Political Ideologies:An Experience of Integrative Cognitivist Analysis (2012 - 2013, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, project manager).
  • The radical right-wing ideologemes in the student minds of the Rostov region (2014-2016, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, project manager). 
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research & Expert Institute for Social Research. Project topic: "Strategies of cognitive political censorship as an effect of 'new media': Ukrainian case in comparative perspective" (01.04.2019-31.12.2019, project manager).
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Subject: "The cognitive-ideological matrices of Perception of contemporary socio-political crises by the students of Southern Russia" (2018-2020, project co-executor). 
  • State assignment in the field of scientific activity, project No. FENW-2022-0027, topic: “Russian Donbass: political boundaries and cultural frontiers” (01.07.2022-31.12.2022, project co-executor). 
  • State assignment in the field of scientific activity, project No. FENW-2023-0059, topic: “Cognitive and value structure of worldview models of a modern Russian: generational and regional differences” (01.08.2023-31.12.2023, project co-executor).


  • History of Political Thought. Part 1.
    This course introduces students to the main representatives of the traditional political philosophy, from Ancient World up to Western European Renaissance
  • Political Anthropology
    This training course is devoted to the study of institutions of control and power in pre-industrial societies, as well as the causes and factors of transformation of traditional control mechanisms in modern political institutions
  • Nationalism in Europe: Ideology and Practice
    This Master's degree course focuses on key European theories of nationalism and nationalism, as well as current cases of regional nationalism in Western Europe
  • Political Semiotics
    Political semiotics as a subdiscipline of political science forms students' skills in analyzing power strategies through and within language
  • History of Political Thought. Part 2.
    This course introduces students to the main representatives of the political philosophy of Western Europe, starting from the early Modern period and ending in the middle of the 19th century
  • History of Russian Marxism
    This course is taught as part of the Master's program for international students and is dedicated to the intellectual history of Russian Marxism, with an emphasis on social and political philosophy.

Download CV (pdf)