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Maria Alexandrovna Ponomareva 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12200

+7(918) 532-48-50


Institute of History and International Relations


Southern Federal University

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

The relationship between the Central and regional levels of government in the second half of XX-beginning of XXI centuries (the Northern Caucasus)
Regional policy in the second half of XX-beginning of XXI centuries (the Northern Caucasus)
The relationship between government and society in the second half of XX-beginning of XXI centuries . (the North Caucasus)
The history of ideological and party control in the regions in 1950-1980-ies (North Caucasus)
The history of Russian administrative-territorial unit in the second half of XX-beginning of XXI centuries (the regions of the don and North Caucasus)
Political development in cities in the second half of XX-beginning of XXI centuries (the regions of the don and North Caucasus)
The history of formation and development of local party and government organs in the second half of XX-beginning of XXI centuries (the regions of the don and North Caucasus)
The political history of the territories of the don and the North Caucasus.
The Russian political emigration in the early twentieth century.
Nation, Empire, revolution and reform in twentieth-XXI centuries.
The national identity of the peoples of the South of Russia: peculiarities of transformation in the late 1980's-early 1990-ies.
The history of social movements and political parties of Russia of XIX – beg. XXI centuries.
The history of the Russian regional political elite of the second half of XX-beginning of XXI centuries (the regions of the don and North Caucasus)

Research projects:

RGRF, the Main competition in 2016 all-Russian scientific-practical conference "Peripheral city and citizen in the space-time retrospective: characteristics of national identity" Supervisor: Ponomareva M. A.
16-01-14064 project Type:"g"
RGRF. Competition 2015 Posthumanities forms of life in contemporary Russia: socio-economic analysis. Head: Doncevski GN Performers: Ermishina A.V., Klimenko L. V., Ponomareva M. A. Senchenko I. N. Guskov D. L. year of completion: 2015 – 2016. No. 15-02-00444 project Type:"a"
State contract for the development of the Educational program of the bachelor in the enlarged group of specialties "Education and pedagogy" field of study - Humanities, history, implying academic mobility of students in terms of networking. Supervisor: R. M. Chumicheva (contractor)
Between Empire and nation: Russia in a global context. Grant of SFU. Hands. V. Yu. Apryschenko. (contractor)
National identity of Russia in the light of modernization and transition to innovative development: regional dimension. Firewall project. Interregional Institute of social Sciences (MION). Hands. – S. V. Kortunov, A. I. Narezhny.
Socio-economic and socio-political well-being of regions in a crisis situation. Firewall project MION.
Hands. – S. V. Kortunov, A. I. Narezhny

2015 all-Russian history test of the Fatherland. Project Manager
2015 Summer school of the EU Centre in the South-West of Russia (location: Pyatigorsk branch of SKFU) "Ethnic conflicts in the North Caucasus in the first half of the 1990s in the view of the European community" Lecture. Seminar.
2014 Summer school of the EU Centre in the South-West of Russia (venue: the Volga) "European Union: designing common space - III. Creating collective memory". Seminar. Lecture.
2012-2013 Virtual University. The election Commission of the Rostov region. Hands. – Popova N..
2012-2013 Modernization of master's programs in the direction of "Foreign regional." The EU centre in the South-West of Russia. Hands. – Uznarodov I. M.
2012 Educational project Olympiad for students of educational institutions. "Expert on the Constitution and electoral law"
2008 "Educational-scientific innovative complex in the direction of "History and regional studies" of the 3rd generation. 2008" in the direction of the competitive selection: 4.4. "Development of a new unique educational programs of the basic (bachelor, master) and further education, textbooks, training manuals, etc., including electronic educational resources". Yufu. Hands. – Smagina S. M.
2007 Innovative scientific and educational project "Management in public policy" (masters)" yufu. Hands. – Smagina S. M.


  • Resercher analysis
    scientific inquiry, principles of analytical work, the skills of scientific thinking
  • The history of social movements and political parties of Russia
    comparative study of the programs and activities of political parties and social movements in modern Russia
  • Contemporary Historical Problems of Urban Studies
    methodology and historiography of urban studies
  • social and economic development of the cities
    comparative analysis of the main models of development of cities in the world. social and economic aspects
  • world electoral processes
    comparative study of electoral systems and electoral processes in the modern world
  • introduction in the project activity
    framework of project activities, their models and types
  • regional political process in the South of Russia
    modern studies of the political development of the regions of southern Russia. a comparative analysis. the historical approach.
  • Historical and cultural aspects of the development of the city in the South of Russia.
    the city as cultural space. the city and citizens. the city as text. the city as a historical space
  • self-development and self-organization in cities
    a comparative analysis of examples of self-organization and self-development processes in Russia at the present stage.
  • regional political process in statistics and mathematical dimension.
    the study of social, economic and cultural life of the regions in the comparative analysis.