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Anton Pavlovich Pljonkin 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30106

+7(905) 459-21-58

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:


Ph.D in Engineering [2016, Southern Federal University, Russia]

Master [2012, «Telecommunications», Southern Federal University, Russia]

Engineer [2010, «Secure Communication Systems», Southern Federal University, Russia]

Scientific activity

Expert of the Russian Science Foundation.

Expert of the ASI Innovation Promotion Fund.

Reviewer of international journals Q1, Q2, Q3 of the MDPI and IGI Global communities [Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300), Photonics (ISSN 2304-6732), Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994), etc.].

Member of the scientific communities IEEE, IEIE.

Head of the IEEE Young Professionals Russia [South region] section.

Editor, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Q3 quartile [Springer], 2019.

Ph.D thesis reviewer [India, 2020].

Permanent member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing.

Permanent member of the editorial board of the American Journal of Optics and Photonics.

The absolute winner of the Competition of individual projects within the framework of the All-Russian Engineering Competition in 2016, Saint Petersburg.

Winner of the "Infotecs Academy 2015" program in the "Scientific Research" format.

Winner of the All-Russian competition "Infoforum-New Generation" in information security in the nomination "Young Specialist of the Year 2015", Moscow, 2016.

Speaker of the All-Russian competition "Infoforum-2018" on information security, Moscow, 2018.

Prize-winner of the All-Russian competition for information security "SIBINFO-2016", Tomsk, 2016.

Speaker of the International Forum on Practical Security Positive Hack Days, Moscow, 2016.

Prize-winner of the youth innovation convention of the Rostov region, 2017, Rostov-on-Don.

In 2017, 2018 he entered the top 100 young scientists of the Southern Federal University engaged in scientific and innovative activities.

Invited participant of the IEEE Students and Young Professionals Congress 2019. Sweden-Finland.

Guest speaker of the 4th BRICS Young Scientists Forum. Rio de Janeiro, 2019.

Member of the Advisory Committee of the international conference Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies (FTNCT-2018). Waknaghat, India. 2018.

Member of the Technical Committee of the 2nd International Conference on Modern Educational Technology (ICMET 2020). Singapore.

Member of the Technical Committee of the International Conference on Hardware Security and Trust (ICHST 2019). Wuxi, China.

Member of the Technical Committee of the 2nd International Conference on Modern Educational Technology (ICMET 2019). Nanjing, China.

Member of the Organizing Committee (General Chair) of the International Conference on Computing Communication and Cyber ​​Security. 2019. Chandigarh, India.

Member of the Organizing Committee (Executive General Chair) of the international conference Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies (FTNCT-2019). Chandigarh, India. 2019.

Member of the Organizing Committee (General Chair) of the International Conference on Evolving Technologies for Computing, Communication and Smart World. C-DAC Noida, India. 2019.


Head of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) "My first grant" with the topic "Method of increasing the security of the synchronization mode of the quantum key distribution system with phase encoding of photon states" for 2016-2017.

Head of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) for the competition of scientific projects carried out by young scientists under the guidance of candidates and doctors of science in scientific organizations of the Russian Federation with the project topic "Assessment of the security of the quantum key distribution algorithm from the standpoint of the hybrid method for finding an approximate solution to the factorization problem".

Head of the grant of the program "Infotecs Academy 2015" in the format "Scientific Research". The topic of the project is related to the development of the QKD system interface.

Winner of the 2018 competition for state support of young Russian scientists-candidates of sciences. Head of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation with the topic of research "Creation of an automated algorithm for integrating quantum keys into a data transmission network while ensuring increased security against unauthorized access to a quantum communication channel".

Experience in another field

Experience in managing a small company and a team of 20 employees. The company's field of work is telecommunications and technical security equipment (work with government customers and private firms). Experience in working with startups and innovative companies (development of a new direction in the company).


Innovation, technology, startups, project management.


Tennis, skiing

Research projects:

Research laboratory "Quantum cryptography"


  • Quantum communication and cryptography
    Quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution system, work with optical fiber and telecommunication equipment.
  • Decisions in conditions of informational conflicts
    Decisions in conditions of informational conflicts

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