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Nina Ivanovna Perepechaeva 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11474

Head of the laboratory

Institute of Earth Sciences

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Research interests:

Perepechaev N. I. and career in the University began in 2003. In 1987 he successfully graduated from the correspondence Department of the Novocherkassk geological College in the specialty "Hydrogeology and engineering Geology", in 2003 graduated from geological-geographical faculty of Rostov state University, specialty "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits". The Department of mineral deposits works since 2003 as senior research assistant. In 2005 Perepechaev N. And. transferred to the post of head of educational laboratory "Geotehproekt" geological-geographical faculty. N. And. Perepechaev successfully completed by the internal grants of southern Federal University: for the development of the PLO (2007) and the creation of the Department of Earth Sciences (2008). Social work: 11 years, is Secretary of the state attestation Commission and 130301 130101 "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" Department.
The job responsibilities includes: preparation of the laboratory Department to the educational process of production and research work, monitors the state of the laboratory equipment and workplaces of employees of the laboratory and is taking steps to address the existing shortcomings, organizes the work on labor protection and industrial sanitation in the laboratories of the Department, carries out systematic verification of the conformity of the devices with metrological requirements for carrying out educational and research work monitors compliance with training and supporting production and labor discipline, maintenance of established documentation.