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Paul Evgenievich Budaev 

Associate Professor

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Rostovchanin, born January 22, 1982.
Approval mom of 1 year and 7 months old, recited a poem by Korney Chukovsky "Stolen sun".

The school was the Octobrist, dreamed of becoming a pioneer, but did not, the Soviet Union collapsed a year before my long-awaited initiation. The school was not diligent, poorly studied, in General, growing up "normal" Soviet child.


Higher, graduated from the bachelor program of the faculty of history, Rostov state pedagogical University and a master's degree in sociology, southern Federal University, candidate of sociological Sciences.

If very briefly, probably everything! I am 100% Humanities, exact and natural science disciplines have not achieved great success, always loved history and sociology. I sincerely support the slogan "Learn! To learn! To learn!"

Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


Senior lecturer graduate school of business, southern Federal University.

I really wanted to be a teacher and entered the Pedagogical University, which would later teach at the University. In General, this dream has come true and now I can say that I teach people and give them the necessary knowledge, in any case, I truly believe that.

§ 4. SPORT

The master of sports on Greco-Roman wrestling.

While studying in school, actively began to engage in Greco-Roman wrestling, the reason was painfully simple, I was a frail bespectacled man who often beat. I didn't like it and I went in to learn to defend themselves.

For me, sport was and remains the main outlet. One fact from this sphere I am very proud of. In preparation for the Olympic games in Sydney 2000, I was a sparring partner Varteres Samurgashev.

This Olympic games he won, I don't know what's driving it, workout with me or that he's an incredibly talented athlete?

§ 5. KVN

Party official leagues of the International Union of KVN.

In 2002 – 2005 he played in the WHC at different levels.
Saw A. V. Maslyakov as he walked down the hall of the hotel "Zhemchuzhina" in Sochi.

Over time, attempted to study the phenomenon of KVN and that turned into writing a PhD thesis in sociology at the funny name of "KVN-Chronotope: the socio-cultural characteristics."

Alexander would be proud of me if we met back then, but apparently not destiny.

§ 6. The UNION

10 years was Deputy Chairman of the trade Union of the Pedagogical Institute of southern Federal University for work with students.

2002, I came to the Union. This was the beginning of my passion for organizing events. Here I learned to build business relationships, establishing a team, gained experience working with different people, learned to find the solution in a difficult situation. All cultural and business events in which I participated was held during that period.

Advances in social activities for 10 years.

- Chairman of the student coordinating Council of the Rostov region trade Union of workers of national education and science of the Russian Federation

- member of the Presidium of the Rostov regional Committee of trade Union of workers of national education and science of the Russian Federation

member of the Rostov regional Committee of trade Union of workers of national education and science of the Russian Federation

- member of the Presidium of the trade Union Committee of primary trade-Union organizations of the southern Federal University

- member of the socially-state athletes ' -sports Association "Youth of Russia" (membership card N 34654)

- member of the governing Board of the regional asset of the student volunteer movement "Youth sports League"

- personal scholarship of the Head of Administration (Governor) of the Rostov region (order of Administration RO from 06.03.07 N 53)

- diploma for active participation in the implementation of the actions devoted to Year of youth in Russian Federation in 2009 (Rostov-on-don, 2009)

- honorary diploma of the Presidium of the Rostov regional Committee of trade Union of workers of national education and science of the Russian Federation (Protocol # 6 dated 30.08.2010)

- honorary diploma of the Federation of trade Unions of the Rostov region, 2010

- honorary diploma of the Executive Committee of trade Union of workers of national education and science of the Russian Federation (Protocol No. 4 dated 24 November 2010, Moscow)

- diploma trade-Union organizations of the southern Federal University (16.12.2010)

- diploma of the Ministry of culture of the Rostov region in 2011 (Rostov-na-Donu 2011)

and more

All-party Primaries, early voting in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In 2011 I found myself in a new role. Made the program, made campaign speeches to the electorate, in General, PR as they could. The State Duma is certainly not chosen, but the experience was enormous. The most important thing I realized is that policy I do not yet. 


About my activities connected with the organization of events on 4 channels (REN TV Rostov, a southern region of the don, Rostov-on-TV and RBC-SOUTH) took 12 television programs and has published 18 articles in the press and on the Internet.


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