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Pavel Anatolievich Dyatlov 

+7(960) 442-06-55

Associate Professor

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Analysis and modeling of radio engineering devices and systems, analysis of methods and design tools for multifunctional electronic equipment during radio monitoring. Wireless communications for local area network.


  • Computer science
    Computer science is the study of automating algorithmic processes. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information.
  • Radio and telecommunications engineering
    Telecommunication is widespread and devices are many networks that connect these devices, including computer networks, public switched telephone network radio networks, and television networks.
  • IT Project
    The tasks of the discipline include the formation of motives for educational and research activities when performing a creative project; the ability to set tasks, develop an algorithm and model for the process of researching an object; formation of experience in applying a systematic approach to solving the problem. the formation of skills, search and work with literature, Internet resources and computers. familiarity with the principles and rules of the organization of project activities; development of cognitive independence and activity of students; the formation of students' needs for targeted self-education; development of independence and responsibility for the results of our own activities; the formation of skills for the presentation of their own work results.
  • Radio navigation systems
    The purpose of mastering the discipline is to study the theoretical foundations, general principles of the construction and functioning of radio navigation systems. The tasks include the study of basic location determination methods and methods for calculating location determination errors; familiarization with the basic principles of building radio navigation systems, with their system-technical characteristics and system-forming relationships that determine the interaction of functional nodes of the system; analysis of mathematical models to describe the processes of signal formation and processing in radio navigation systems, evaluation of their characteristics, familiarization with the calculations of structural and functional schemes based on a system analysis of tactical and technical characteristics; getting an idea of trends and prospects for the development of radio navigation systems.