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Oleg Yurievich Sviridov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13061

+7(918) 558-67-01


Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Modern banking products and technologies, Operations of commercial banks with securities, Currency operations of commercial banks, Banking innovation technologies, Regional banking systems and investment processes

Research projects:

Grant of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on the topic:"Functions of the Central Bank in the modernization of the banking sector of the economy in the post-crisis period (by the example of the South of Russia)"  (Agreement dated September 7, 2012 No. 14.B37.21.0971) 


  • Modern banking
    In studying this discipline, students receive proficiency and skills in the following areas:  the fundamentals of the theory and practice of modern banking activity in the context of financial globalization of the economy,  new banking products and services,  investment banking and consulting,  development of banking information technology and payment systems.
  • International Finance
    In studying this discipline, students receive proficiency and skills in the following areas:  theoretical bases of functioning of national and world financial systems,  evolution and formation of the international monetary system,  world securities market, currency market Forex, derivatives market,  international (transnational) commercial banks,  international financial and offshore centers,  activities of supranational financial and economic organizations - global regulators.
  • Financial management of credit and banking institutions
    In studying this discipline, students receive proficiency and skills in the following areas:  fundamentals of the theory and practice of financial management of a credit and banking institution in modern conditions,  analysis of the financial condition and performance of a commercial bank,  assessment of profitability and performance of credit and banking institutions,  management of market and operational risks,  liquidity management of the bank.

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