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Oksana Saakovna Saakyan 

Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Psychophysiology, functional interhemispheric asymmetry, cognitive psychology, psychophysiology of stress, psychophysiological aspects of adaptation, psychophysiology of creativity

Research projects:

1. "Peculiarities of the interaction of the hemispheres in the human decision of cognitive tasks of different levels" (ROST-NICH-734 project) within the framework of the analytical departmental target program "Development of the scientific potential of higher education (2009-2011)" (2009-2011, Ministry Education and science of the Russian Federation, the head - PN Ermakov);

2. "Psychological, physiological, genetic and clinical aspects of psychological diagnosis, rehabilitation and personality and group correction" (SFU grant, 2011, supervisor - PN Ermakov);

3.Grant of the Southern Federal University No. 213.01-24 / 2013-185 of 30.04.2013 topic: "Humanitarian technologies and models for the development of tolerant attitudes and the formation of anti-extremist values in the youth environment in the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional region of the Russian Federation" (order on SFU No. 219- OD of 06/06/2013, the head is EV Vorobyova);

4. "Interhemispheric interactions in humans in the implementation of brain cognitive technologies" in the framework of the project part of the state task in the field of scientific activity No. 25.2141.2014 / k (213.01.-11 / 2014-84HH) (2014-2016, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Head-VV Babenko).


  • Differential psychology
  • Psychogenetics
  • Anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system (seminars)
  • Psychological practice
  • Internship
  • Teaching and learning practice

Download CV (pdf)