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Olga Semenovna Ryzhova 


Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

- Theory and practice training social pedagogues

- Pedagogy and psychology of prevention and correction of deviant behavior of teenagers

- Theory and practice of inclusive education for children with disabilities

Research projects:

  • grant of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation "Organization and conducting the National activities on the issue of transfer of orphans in foster care» DS-5 (2007);
  • grant SFU "innovative technologies of training Bachelors on the basis of a credit-rating system" for developing lectures presentations to the course "basics of pedagogical design) No. 162 (2007-2008 academic year);
  • grant federal education agency within the framework of the federal target programme for the development of education for 2006-2010 years, organizational-methodical accompaniment of the development of cadet education institutions as well as institutions engaged in the educational process with the use of cultural and historical traditions of the Cossacks "No. P2207 (2009);
  • grant "theoretical substantiation and experimental-experimental validation of regionally-oriented model pre-professional military education the pupils of Cadet Corps (on the material of the southern federal district)" (2009);

Southern Federal University grant No. 213.01-24/2013-185 by 30.04.2013, theme: «humanitarian technologies and development models tolerant relations and the formation of antièkstremistskih values in youth Wednesday in a multi-ethnic and polikonfessional′nom region of the Russian Federation "(on 1 September - 15 deсember 2013).


  • Pedagogy
  • Theoretical pedagogy
  • Practical pedagogy
  • Social pedagogy

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