Olga Sergeevna Reshetnyak
Associate Professor
Institute of Earth Sciences
Southern Federal University
Research interests:
Candidate of Geologic and Mineralogical Science, Associate Professor, Department of Geoecology and Applied Geochemistry, Institute of Earth Sciences of
the Southern Federal University, Zorge St., 40, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russia, е-mail: olgare1@rambler.ru
Research area: Study of status of aquatic ecosystems, water quality, state hydrobiocenoses, transformation of aquatic ecosystems.
Main publications
1. A.M. Nikanorov, V.A.Bryzgalo, L.S. Kosmenko , O.S. Reshetnyak . Anthropogenic transformation of aquatic environment composition in the Lena River mouth area / / Water Resources , 2011 . Volume 38 , N 2 . P. 181-192 .
2 . A.M. Nikanorov, V.A.Bryzgalo, L.S. Kosmenko , O.S. Reshetnyak . Anthropogenic transformation of biocenosis structural organization in Lena River mouth area / / Water Resources , 2011 . Volume 38 , N 3 . P. 306-314 .
3. A.M. Nikanorov, V.A.Bryzgalo, L.S. Kosmenko , O.S. Reshetnyak . The Kolyma River Mouth area under present conditions of anthropogenic impact / / Meteorology and Hydrology , N 8. 2011 . P. 74-88 .
4. A.M. Nikanorov, O.S. Reshetnyak, V.A.Bryzgalo, L.S. Kosmenko. Environmentally allowable levels of impact on river ecosystems in the Arctic region / / Meteorology and Hydrology , N 3 . 2013 . P. 85-93 .
5. A.M. Nikanorov, V.A.Bryzgalo, L.S. Kosmenko , O.S. Reshetnyak . Main approaches to the organization of national system of basic monitoring freshwater ecosystems of the Russian Arctic / / Meteorology and Hydrology , N6. 2013 . P. 83-90 .
6. A.M. Nikanorov, V.A.Bryzgalo, O.S. Reshetnyak . Rivers of Russia in terms of environmental emergencies : monograph . Rostov- on-Don , " NOC ", 2012 . - 308 .
7 . O.S. Reshetnyak , A.M. Nikanorov, V.A.Bryzgalo, L.S. Kosmenko . Anthropogenic transformation of the aquatic ecosystem of the Lower Volga / / Water 2013.Tom 40 , N 6. P. 623-632 .
8. O.S. Reshetnyak. The anthropogenic load on aquatic ecosystems of the Kolyma River // Geography and natural resources, 2015, N 2. pp 47-52.
9. V.A.Bryzgalo, A.M. Nikanorov, L.S. Kosmenko, O.S. Reshetnyak. Estuarine ecosystems of large rivers of Russia: anthropogenic load and environmental condition. Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of the Southern Federal University, 2015. 164 pp.
Research projects:
Information on participation in grants and projects:
- Performer Grant RFBR N 12-05-00084 «Evaluation of anthropogenetic load and the ecological status of estuarine ecosystems of major rivers of Russia for the long-term period" (2012-2013 gg.).
- Performer basic project N 12FOP-N5-01 Federal Program "Development of the Russian Federation water industry complex in 2012-2020", " A retrospective analysis of the state of water bodies in different latitudinal zones" (2012-2013.).
- Performer RFBR Grant N 14-05-00144 «Dangerous contaminants in the Russian rivers (mercury compounds, lead, formaldehyde, ligno-sulfonate, etc.) and their influence on the ecological state of the river ecosystems" (2014-2015.).
- Performer publishing project RFBR N 15-05-07022 «Publication of the book "Estuarine ecosystem of major rivers in Russia: anthropogenic loading and the ecological state "(2015).
- Performer Grant RNF N 14-17-00376 «Integral assessment and pro-prognosis of water resources and their quality within technologically impaired geosystems of the coal-mining territories on the basis of complex geochemical, geophysical and ecotoxicological studies" (2014-2016 gg.).
"Methods and means of quality control of surface waters"
The discipline is aimed at studying the principles of water quality assessment used in monitoring the state and pollution of surface waters. Students get acquainted with the basic methods of chemical analysis of water samples, hydrochemical and hydrobiological methods of research and assessment of the state of water bodies.
“Hydrochemistry and Water Resources protection"
The theoretical and practical aspects of hydrochemistry is given. The purpose of the discipline is to provide students with a system of knowledge about the chemical composition of natural waters, the processes taking place in them, determining the chemical composition of water and its transformation; on the main factors in the formation of various types of surface water, as well as obtaining information necessary for the implementation of measures to protect water, ensure their environmental safety and rational use of water resources.