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Olga Sergeevna Eryomina 


Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

She was born 1985.03.28 in the city of Rostov region.
• In 2002 she graduated from the Children's School of Arts. SI Taneyev
• from September 2006 to June 2007 he worked as a teacher of fine arts in art school MOUDOD them. VA Serov
• In 2007, she graduated with honors from the Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University, the graphic arts department
• From April 2007 to June 2012 works as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Fine Arts IFE PI SFU
• since 2007 working as a teacher of fine arts at the Center for Pre-University izodeyatelnosti PI SFU (now DAHSH RC AAI AHDP SFU), an office in the school 98
• since 2009 working as a teacher of Fine Arts at the Children's School of Arts. SI Taneyev, Shakhty
• since 2011 Assistant of the Department of Fine Arts IFE PI SFU
• since 2012 Assistant of the Department ZhGiS AAI SFU
• In October 2011, she graduated from the postgraduate studies 13 00 02, "Theory and methods of training and education (art)." Sat candidate minimum, currently is working on his thesis.
• from January 2014 Member Otoo 'Union teachers-artists "
• November 2014 Head of the Department DAHSH AAI SFU MBOU School N100
• February 2015 with a member of the youth association PO VTOO Union of Russian Artists
• In November 2015, it recommended to the RA Union of Artists of Russia VTOO