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Olga Nikolaevna Rodzina 

Senior lecturer

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Research interests:

Research interests - computational intelligence, evolutionary algorithms and their applications to optimization, data mining, software engineering. Rodzina Olga is (co-)author of over 40 publications, including more than 15 journal papers, 1 monograph. She was speaker for 10 international conferences.

She was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "For many years of fruitful work on the development and improvement of the educational process, significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists"

Research projects:

She is keynote performer grants the Russian Science Foundation, as well as a number of research works.


  • Discrete Mathematics
    Elements of combinatorics. Elements of mathematical logic. Many. The algebra of sets. Relations. Conformity. Morphisms. Fuzzy sets. Combinational circuits. Elements of graph theory.
  • Methods of optimization
    Objects optimization. Classification criteria and optimization techniques. Classical methods of optimization. The general problem of mathematical programming. Measures the complexity of optimization problems. The complexity of the systems. Limit Bremmermana and its justification. A one-dimensional search. The gradient search. Random search. Evolutionary methods. Linear programming. Dynamic programming. Programming on the network.
  • Methods of modeling
    Basic concepts of modeling. Regression models. Dynamic models. Statistical modeling. Random Number Generators. Modeling of the random variable. Simulation of random events. The stream of random events. Modelling of Markov processes. Informal synthesis.
  • Modeling and systems of technical calculations
    Basic concepts of modeling. Modeling Tools. The package MatLab. Regression models. Dynamic models. Stochastic modeling. Simulation of queuing systems. Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving.