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Oksana Nikolaevna Shevtsova 

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Language of historical science of an era of romanticism. Has about 60 scientific and methodical publications, among them there are two monographs, articles in magazines "Dialogue with Time", "Humanitarian and Legal Researches", "Scientific Thought of the Caucasus", "News of higher education institutions. North Caucasus region", "The Siberian philological magazine", "The bulletin of Voronezh State University", and also "Methodical recommendations to a special course "Sociolinguistics".

Research projects:

Lexicon of "The historical description of Earth of Army of Donskoy" of V. D. Sukhorukov. - Language as system and activity; 5. Materials of the International scientific conference devoted to the 100 anniversary of Southern Federal University and the 90 anniversary since the birth of professor Yu.A.Gvozdarev. Publishing house of Southern Federal University. - Rostov-on-Don.; 2015.; Page 191-193.
Use of foreign-language words and turns in "History the Russian" of V. N. Tatishchev. - The collection of publications of the scientific magazine "GLOBUS" on materials III of the international scientific and practical conference: "Achievements and problems of modern science". In 3 h the P. 3. - SPb. - 2015. - Page 100-103.
Use of foreign-language words and turns in "Stories of the state Russian" N. M. Karamzina. - Regularities and Tendencies of development of science in modern society: collection of articles of the International scientific and practical conference (on December 5, 2015, Ufa). In 5 h the P. 5. - Ufa, AETERNA. - 2015. - Page 135-140.
Local history: images and plots in works of historians of the first half of the 19th century (V. D. Sukhorukov, P.A.Slovtsov). - New past. 2016. N 1.; Page 148-158.
Images of the European world of an early modern history in a lecture course of T. N. Granovsky. - Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Philology. Journalism. 2016. N 1. Page 67-72.
Subject lines of an early modern history in a lecture course of T. N. Granovsky.; Dialogue with time. 2016. N 55. Page 341-351.
Images and plots of history of the Cossacks in works of historians of the first half of the 19th century (V. D. Sukhorukov, A. M. Turenko). - Humanitarian and legal researches. 2016. Release N 1. Page 138-142.
History of Russia in "The captain's daughter" and "Pugachev's History" of A. S. Pushkin. - Advertizing and communications about the public: traditions and innovations. Collection of works of the International scientific and practical conference on September 1-5-16, 2016; Rostov-on-Don, FGBOU IN RGUPS.; 2016. - Page 400-405.
Images of the people in plots "Stories of the state Russian" N. M. Karamzina. - Dialogue with time of 2016. N 57. - Page 116-123.
Literary plots in the Russian historical compositions of the first half of the 19th century; Socio-political and historical and cultural aspects of a modern geopolitical situation. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference within the IX scientific and educational forum of the Sochi Institute (branch) of RUDN: collection of articles. M, Pero Publishing house.; 2016.; Page 107-112.
Works of the Russian historians and writers of an era of romanticism: figurative and subject system, literary stylistics and composite construction. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of Southern Federal University, 2017.; 102 pages.


  • Social and political advertizing
    The course is designed to create at students idea of social and political advertizing as an important component of advertizing activity that assumes understanding of an object and subject of scientific development, communications of social and political advertizing with other types of advertizing activity.
  • Theory and practice of advertizing
    The course is designed to create at students idea of history of emergence and development of advertizing, since protoadvertising processes and to the current state.
  • Stylistics
    The course is designed to create system of knowledge of questions of practical and functional stylistics at students, to develop at students the skills and abilities connected with the analysis of texts of various functional orientation, first of all publicistic according to the communicative purposes and conditions of their realization.
  • Modern Russian: morphology and syntax
    Purpose of studying of discipline "Modern Russian: morphology and syntax" - mastering future journalists theoretical knowledge of system of Russian, development of analytical skills at the choice of language units.
  • Sociolinguistics
    The course is designed to create at students a clear idea of sociolinguistics as about scientific discipline. It is concretized in scientific understanding of an object and subject of her knowledge, her communications with other disciplines of philological and socio-humanistic cycles and her cross-disciplinary character, methodology and a technique of a sotsiolingvistichesky research, development of theoretical questions of this discipline at their exit to the level of social and language practice.