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Olga Ivanovna Shkvirina 

Associate Professor

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Age and pedagogical physiology

Research projects:

1. Additional educational program for level of proficiency raising courses for the teachers of Biology “Main Tendencies in mastering of training in Biology at School in the Context Modern Educational Problems”. (developer and supervisor), 72 hors duration.

2. Additional educational program for level of proficiency raising courses for teachers and educators “Physiological Background of Healthcaring Education” (developer and supervisor), 72 hors duration.

3. Scientific consultant of Creative laboratory “Qnality of Healthcaring Education and Upbringing of students as a Result of Innovational Technologios Implementation in course of Education” Rostov-on-the Don city Education Board.

4. Coordinator of Probation Site  WBEE “School n 24 after the Hero of Russia A. Orlov, Rostov-on-the Don “Implementation of Professional Activity  Educator’s standard – a new Pace to the Qnality of Education” municipal project on the subject:  “Systematic Approach to Healthcaring of the Educational environment members in course of “Professional Standard of f Teacher” realization.

5.ISE – expert of Rostov region in Biology since 2001 np to now.

6.City program’s developer “Healthcaring in city educational establishments “.

In 2014 was awarded to the “Diploma of Second Grade” for the second place in all-city contest “Best volunteer of the year in “Healthcaring” nomination/


  • Cytology Histology with Embryology Backgronnd Human Anatomy and Morphology Age Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene Age Physiology and Psychophysiology Juvenile physiology and Hygiene Pedagogical physiology