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Olga Vladlenovna Guryanova 

+7(863) 297-52-24

Senior researcher

Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Research interests:

The main directions of research work are the development of the fundamentals and technological methods of creating new composite materials with a set of specified properties using non-traditional raw materials. Performing search and analytical laboratory research, testing in experimental industrial conditions, assessing the quality of materials for compliance with the requirements, technical control. Creation of environmentally friendly binders for briquetting energy-potential wastes of mineral and vegetable origin and alternative fuels based on them. Analysis and generalization of the experimental data obtained taking into account modern views in the field of study. Preparation of reports, preparation of publications, development of normative and technological documentation.

Research projects:

            Project еxecutive officer:

          Innovative project: "Investigation of the" adsorbent-adhesive system "and development of technology for briquetting coal waste." Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. 2002-2004

          Innovative project: "Development of technology for obtaining fuel briquettes from coal waste, vegetable waste of agriculture and woodworking industry", Grant of the Administration of the Rostov Region

          An environmentally friendly binder and a universal technology for obtaining competitive composite fuel from coal cleaning waste, waste from processing plant products of agriculture and woodworking industry has been developed. In the domestic practice there are no enterprises for the production of fuel briquettes from anthracite scraps and coal fines. One of the reasons is the lack of environmentally friendly, affordable and inexpensive binders. The fuel produced by the developed technology, according to consumer properties, is not inferior to ordinary coal used for combustion in municipal and industrial combustion devices, and in some respects it exceeds it.

          A distinctive feature of the developed technology is the ability to regulate the technical characteristics and physical and mechanical properties of composite briquette fuel in accordance with customer requests and market needs, to receive fuel briquettes of different grades, primarily ash.


          Innovative project: Innovative project: "Development and verification of the technology of application of non-metallic building materials from burned rocks of mine dumps in road construction".

         A technology for the production of non-metallic materials and the use of new materials from the mine dump rocks in the construction of an earthen cloth, constructive layers of road clothes, in the formulations of heavy and fine-grained cement and asphalt concrete are proposed.
Pilot sections of access roads and technological roads, sidewalks are made. During their operation for several years, there were no serious damages and deviations from the required parameters when checking the quality of materials used in road structures from technogenic raw materials.


          Innovative project: "Effective building materials from local technogenic raw materials".
Studies on the project are carried out on an agreement basis.

          Physicochemical methods and prescription and technological methods have been developed that allow building materials with a given set of properties and technical characteristics on the basis of ash and slag wastes and mine dump rocks. The developed resource-saving technologies are intended for manufacturing a wide range of construction materials and products with high consumer properties and performance characteristics. The scientific level of the results obtained for the project is comparable to that of the world, and in some respects it surpasses similar foreign developments in this field of science. Products manufactured using the developed resource-saving technologies are 25-30% lower in cost compared to similar products made from traditional raw materials.
         Technological regulations and normative documents for the use of mine dumps and ash-and-slag wastes in building materials technology have been developed.