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Olga Spiridonovna Belokrylova 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13071

+7(918) 558-95-33


Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Economics, Institutional Economics, Regional economy, Agricultural economy, Land market, Food Security, Innovative economy, Nanoeconomics, Theory of Distribution, Information economy, human capital, intellectual capital, Theory of economic transformations, Theory of transitive economy, Public Procurement, public sector, public oversight, re-industrialization, import substitution, small business, internal labor market, tourist destinations, social and labor relations, institutional modernization, localization of corruption

Research projects:



RFBR project N 18-010-00871 "Development of tools for the evaluation and promotion of public procurement quality: conceptual foundations and methodological approaches"


Development of the mechanism for the improvement of quality of the public expenditure usage: different tools on the macro-, meso- and micro-level

Grant application, Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation


Institutions of realization of the new industrial policy

The research was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation


Economic and legal risks of the Russian system of state and municipal procurement: factors, evaluation, measures of reduction (localization)

The research was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation


Analysis of competitiveness of the Rostov region economy

Scientific research project


Peripheral regions with mixed economy under the influence of globalization and in conditions of asymmetric practices of the market regulation: different strategies and modernization risks


The research was supported by Southern Federal University


Forms of poverty and social vulnerability of the population in Russia and France

The research was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, special fund “Maison des Sciences de l’Homme” (France) (Project N 12-22-08001)


Using remote technologies in managing state and municipal procurement

The research was supported by Southern Federal University


Development of the electronic study guide “Economy of public procurement”

The research was supported by Southern Federal University


Formation of the EU-centre in the southwestern Russia

The research was supported by European Commission


Monitoring of human development (on the example of the Rostov region)

The research was supported by Southern Federal University


Modernization of the main educational program of higher professional education on the degree-level “Bachelor of Economics”, based on profiling and third-generation standards requirements, with the purpose to form professional competence of the new generation of economists

The research was supported by Southern Federal University


Development of the Master’s degree educational program: “Innovative economy”, on the profile 080100 “Economics”, providing formation of diversified scientific-exploratory-pedagogical competencies of the SFEDU graduates

The research was supported by Southern Federal University


Development of the Master’s degree program: “Real estate economics”, on the profile 521600 “Economics”, and the further professional training programs: “Development”, “Mortgage lending”

The research was supported by Southern Federal University



  • Theory of transitive economy (theoretical seminar)
    The course is based on the analysis and assessment of theoretical and historical aspects of the consistent patterns of the transition from planned economy to market economy. The main purpose of the course is to summarize, on the basis of comparative analysis of various approaches appurtenant to different economic schools, the experience of the plan-to-market transitions on the former Soviet territory, and to reveal the features of the Russian economy development on its modern stage. Studying this subject will allow to: climb up on a higher theoretical level comparing to the “Theory of transitive economy" normative course; to distinguish the essential characteristics of the economic system transformation; to generalize the experience of plan-to-market economy transformation in all the areas of economic life; to analyze the stages, trends and results of the market transformations. Greater emphasis is placed on the transformation processes in the former Soviet countries.
  • Microeconomic basis of the macroeconomic
    The course identifies certain microeconomic issues which constitute the groundwork of the macroeconomic processes. The main focus is on the microeconomic analysis of the general equilibrium, further resulting in the new trends of economics ; theory of welfare, theory of externalities, information economy, etc. The analysis of consumption allows to get to the savings and to lead the audit of investment theories. Lastly, the course provides analysis of the open economy models, as well as evaluation of influence of the Russias membership in the WTO on the national production indicators, especially in agricultural sector.
  • National economy
    The course summarizes, on the basis of in-depth analysis using systematic, structural and sectoral approaches, various macroeconomic characteristics of national economy (on the example of Russia), and analyzes different features of its evolution. This allows to systematize knowledge of how the national economy works in market conditions; to go up on a higher theoretical level comparing to the “Macroeconomics" normative course; to reveal structural and sectoral characteristics of the national economic system; to test macroeconomic traits of Russian national economy functioning at the stage of recession; to identify certain natural trends, which are inherent to the current stage of Russian economy evolution.
  • Public choice theory and behavioral economics Profile 38.04.01 “Economics", degree: Master. Module 1. Public choice theory
    By mastering this subject students can significantly broaden and deepen their knowledge of modern economics on the basis of familiarization with categorical apparatus of the public choice theory and its adequate application for solving certain political and economic problems, which forms certain skills to make a real choice in conditions of direct and representative democracy, also the course helps to train economists to master modern methodology of politics-as-business analysis. Aforementioned thus implies learning of basic terms of the public choice theory, comparative analysis of its newest concepts; realization of independent research work in corresponding domain and preparation of project; theoretical generalization of empirical material and development of practical recommendations; presentation of proper opinion concerning reviewed problems within the framework of academic discussions.
  • Macroeconomics-2. Profile 38.04.01 “Economics", degree: Bachelor.
    The subject “Macroeconomics-2" comprises the analysis and evaluation of consistent patterns in functioning of economic system as an organic whole, on a higher level than “Macroeconomics-1". The discipline contents structuring of the main macroeconomic components of the economic system in modern conditions of a high volatility, and particularization of the main trend in macroeconomic dynamics in terms of basic economic categories (savings, investment, monetary policy, economic growth, consumption, open economy) with appealing to the main models of modern economics. Aforementioned allows to move on a higher theoretical level comparing with the normative course “Macroeconmics-1"; to emphasize essential characteristics of the economy as a system; to reveal the main trends in macroeconomic dynamics of the Russian economy, and certain particularities of its development in conditions of increasing volatility as well.
  • Macroeconomics (advanced level), Profile 38.04.01 “Economics", degree: Master
    The course “Macroeconomics (advanced level)" is common to all Masters programs of the profile 38.04.01 “Economics", learning of this course is oriented on receiving qualitatively broaden and deepen knowledge in the domain of macroeconomic theory and practice by studying main models and modern consistent patterns of domestic and global economy functioning in conditions of stagnation. This implies skills intensification in using conceptual categorical macroeconomic apparatus during preparation of reviews, reports and scientific publications. As a result of mastering the course, the specific economical theoretical thinking is formed through learning of models, extended studying of issues already well-known by students, and appeal to the world and domestic practices of macroeconomic regulation. Thus the course provides formation of basic professional competencies in the domain of methodology and analytic theory of the contemporary macroeconomic situation on the mega-, macro- and regional economic level; development of certain skills, such as: information searching, collecting, processing, analysis and systematization, making effective managerial decisions, abilities for individual work and continuous self-education.
  • Advanced course of economics (micro- and macroeconomics). Module: “Macroeconomics". Profile: 38.06.01 “Economics", Postgraduate degree
    An advanced level of macroeconomics presupposes the acquirement of conceptual apparatus of modern macroeconomic dynamics, along with fundamental graphs, formulas and models, used in economic calculations; all of the above serving as basis for making effective decisions on a macro-level. Shifting on a higher theoretical level comparing to the Masters course of macroeconomics is realized through: deepening the methodology of using systematic approach during the accentuation of attributive features of the economy as a system; testing basic trends of the macroeconomic dynamics of Russian economy; evolving the particularities of development of the national economy in conditions of recession. During the studying of subject the competencies of economic and mathematic modeling are formed (on an example of PhD students research work problematic).
  • Public choice theory and behavioral economics Profile 38.04.01 “Economics", degree: Master. Module 1. Public choice theory
    By mastering this subject students can significantly broaden and deepen their knowledge of modern economics on the basis of familiarization with categorical apparatus of the public choice theory and its adequate application for solving certain political and economic problems, which forms certain skills to make a real choice in conditions of direct and representative democracy, also the course helps to train economists to master modern methodology of politics-as-business analysis. Aforementioned thus implies learning of basic terms of the public choice theory, comparative analysis of its newest concepts; realization of independent research work in corresponding domain and preparation of project; theoretical generalization of empirical material and development of practical recommendations; presentation of proper opinion concerning reviewed problems within the framework of academic discussions.
  • Makroeconomiks 1
    he purpose of mastering the discipline "Macroeconomics" - the formation of a system of knowledge about the main categories, patterns of use of national economies as an integrated system; development of competencies for their use, collection of standard theoretical and econometric models, data collection for analytical reports, their analysis and interpretation. The objectives of the development of academic discipline "Macroeconomics" are: - - to develop skills in using the basics of economic knowledge in various fields of activity through the analysis of identified macroeconomic problems and trends in the development of the economic situation; - to teach students on the basis of the description of economic processes and phenomena to build standard theoretical and econometric models, to analyze and meaningfully interpret the results obtained regarding the prediction of the development of the economic situation; - to form students' ability to analyze and interpret aggregated data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in socio-economic indicators at the macro level; - to teach students, using domestic and foreign sources of information, to collect the necessary macroeconomic data, analyze them and prepare an informational review and / or analytical report on the compliance of the data obtained and the variability of the use of specific macroeconomic tools.
  • Economy of Russia. 1 year bachelor
    Цели освоения дисциплины: сформировать систему знаний об этапах становления, закономерностях функционирования национальной экономики России в совокупности микро- и макроэкономических характеристик ее социально-экономических процессов с развитием компетенций их использования в различных сферах деятельности, сбора необходимых данных, их анализа и подготовки информационного обзора или аналитического отчета.
  • Economic theory. 3 year postgraduate
    The purpose of mastering the discipline is to deepen the knowledge of applicants of the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences on methodological tools, methods of analysis of microeconomic processes; about connections and dependencies in economic phenomena and their conclusions are brought to the practical application using mathematical and statistical methods. To accomplish the goal of the course, a set of tasks is solved that provide a deep study of the theory of economic processes and its use in making various kinds of management decisions.
  • Theory of transitive economy (theoretical seminar)
    The course is based on the analysis and assessment of theoretical and historical aspects of the consistent patterns of the transition from planned economy to market economy. The main purpose of the course is to summarize, on the basis of comparative analysis of various approaches appurtenant to different economic schools, the experience of the plan-to-market transitions on the former Soviet territory, and to reveal the features of the Russian economy development on its modern stage. Studying this subject will allow to: climb up on a higher theoretical level comparing to the “Theory of transitive economy" normative course; to distinguish the essential characteristics of the economic system transformation; to generalize the experience of plan-to-market economy transformation in all the areas of economic life; to analyze the stages, trends and results of the market transformations. Greater emphasis is placed on the transformation processes in the former Soviet countries.
  • Microeconomic basis of the macroeconomic
    The course identifies certain microeconomic issues which constitute the groundwork of the macroeconomic processes. The main focus is on the microeconomic analysis of the general equilibrium, further resulting in the new trends of economics ; theory of welfare, theory of externalities, information economy, etc. The analysis of consumption allows to get to the savings and to lead the audit of investment theories. Lastly, the course provides analysis of the open economy models, as well as evaluation of influence of the Russias membership in the WTO on the national production indicators, especially in agricultural sector.
  • National economy
    The course summarizes, on the basis of in-depth analysis using systematic, structural and sectoral approaches, various macroeconomic characteristics of national economy (on the example of Russia), and analyzes different features of its evolution. This allows to systematize knowledge of how the national economy works in market conditions; to go up on a higher theoretical level comparing to the “Macroeconomics" normative course; to reveal structural and sectoral characteristics of the national economic system; to test macroeconomic traits of Russian national economy functioning at the stage of recession; to identify certain natural trends, which are inherent to the current stage of Russian economy evolution.
  • Public choice theory and behavioral economics Profile 38.04.01 “Economics", degree: Master. Module 1. Public choice theory
    By mastering this subject students can significantly broaden and deepen their knowledge of modern economics on the basis of familiarization with categorical apparatus of the public choice theory and its adequate application for solving certain political and economic problems, which forms certain skills to make a real choice in conditions of direct and representative democracy, also the course helps to train economists to master modern methodology of politics-as-business analysis. Aforementioned thus implies learning of basic terms of the public choice theory, comparative analysis of its newest concepts; realization of independent research work in corresponding domain and preparation of project; theoretical generalization of empirical material and development of practical recommendations; presentation of proper opinion concerning reviewed problems within the framework of academic discussions.
  • Macroeconomics-2. Profile 38.04.01 “Economics", degree: Bachelor.
    The subject “Macroeconomics-2" comprises the analysis and evaluation of consistent patterns in functioning of economic system as an organic whole, on a higher level than “Macroeconomics-1". The discipline contents structuring of the main macroeconomic components of the economic system in modern conditions of a high volatility, and particularization of the main trend in macroeconomic dynamics in terms of basic economic categories (savings, investment, monetary policy, economic growth, consumption, open economy) with appealing to the main models of modern economics. Aforementioned allows to move on a higher theoretical level comparing with the normative course “Macroeconmics-1"; to emphasize essential characteristics of the economy as a system; to reveal the main trends in macroeconomic dynamics of the Russian economy, and certain particularities of its development in conditions of increasing volatility as well.
  • Macroeconomics (advanced level), Profile 38.04.01 “Economics", degree: Master
    The course “Macroeconomics (advanced level)" is common to all Masters programs of the profile 38.04.01 “Economics", learning of this course is oriented on receiving qualitatively broaden and deepen knowledge in the domain of macroeconomic theory and practice by studying main models and modern consistent patterns of domestic and global economy functioning in conditions of stagnation. This implies skills intensification in using conceptual categorical macroeconomic apparatus during preparation of reviews, reports and scientific publications. As a result of mastering the course, the specific economical theoretical thinking is formed through learning of models, extended studying of issues already well-known by students, and appeal to the world and domestic practices of macroeconomic regulation. Thus the course provides formation of basic professional competencies in the domain of methodology and analytic theory of the contemporary macroeconomic situation on the mega-, macro- and regional economic level; development of certain skills, such as: information searching, collecting, processing, analysis and systematization, making effective managerial decisions, abilities for individual work and continuous self-education.
  • Advanced course of economics (micro- and macroeconomics). Module: “Macroeconomics". Profile: 38.06.01 “Economics", Postgraduate degree
    An advanced level of macroeconomics presupposes the acquirement of conceptual apparatus of modern macroeconomic dynamics, along with fundamental graphs, formulas and models, used in economic calculations; all of the above serving as basis for making effective decisions on a macro-level. Shifting on a higher theoretical level comparing to the Masters course of macroeconomics is realized through: deepening the methodology of using systematic approach during the accentuation of attributive features of the economy as a system; testing basic trends of the macroeconomic dynamics of Russian economy; evolving the particularities of development of the national economy in conditions of recession. During the studying of subject the competencies of economic and mathematic modeling are formed (on an example of PhD students research work problematic).
  • Public choice theory and behavioral economics Profile 38.04.01 “Economics", degree: Master. Module 1. Public choice theory
    By mastering this subject students can significantly broaden and deepen their knowledge of modern economics on the basis of familiarization with categorical apparatus of the public choice theory and its adequate application for solving certain political and economic problems, which forms certain skills to make a real choice in conditions of direct and representative democracy, also the course helps to train economists to master modern methodology of politics-as-business analysis. Aforementioned thus implies learning of basic terms of the public choice theory, comparative analysis of its newest concepts; realization of independent research work in corresponding domain and preparation of project; theoretical generalization of empirical material and development of practical recommendations; presentation of proper opinion concerning reviewed problems within the framework of academic discussions.
  • Makroeconomiks 1
    he purpose of mastering the discipline "Macroeconomics" - the formation of a system of knowledge about the main categories, patterns of use of national economies as an integrated system; development of competencies for their use, collection of standard theoretical and econometric models, data collection for analytical reports, their analysis and interpretation. The objectives of the development of academic discipline "Macroeconomics" are: - - to develop skills in using the basics of economic knowledge in various fields of activity through the analysis of identified macroeconomic problems and trends in the development of the economic situation; - to teach students on the basis of the description of economic processes and phenomena to build standard theoretical and econometric models, to analyze and meaningfully interpret the results obtained regarding the prediction of the development of the economic situation; - to form students' ability to analyze and interpret aggregated data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in socio-economic indicators at the macro level; - to teach students, using domestic and foreign sources of information, to collect the necessary macroeconomic data, analyze them and prepare an informational review and / or analytical report on the compliance of the data obtained and the variability of the use of specific macroeconomic tools.
  • Economy of Russia. 1 year bachelor
    Цели освоения дисциплины: сформировать систему знаний об этапах становления, закономерностях функционирования национальной экономики России в совокупности микро- и макроэкономических характеристик ее социально-экономических процессов с развитием компетенций их использования в различных сферах деятельности, сбора необходимых данных, их анализа и подготовки информационного обзора или аналитического отчета.
  • Economic theory. 3 year postgraduate
    The purpose of mastering the discipline is to deepen the knowledge of applicants of the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences on methodological tools, methods of analysis of microeconomic processes; about connections and dependencies in economic phenomena and their conclusions are brought to the practical application using mathematical and statistical methods. To accomplish the goal of the course, a set of tasks is solved that provide a deep study of the theory of economic processes and its use in making various kinds of management decisions.
  • Public choice and government spending
    The purpose of mastering the discipline is to form the knowledge of the scientific apparatus of the theory of public choice, the competencies of their application for solving specific political and economic problems, making choices in conditions of direct and direct and representative democracy, as well as mastering the modern theory of public spending with the study of key works in the field of the theory of public choice and public spending to develop skills in organizing teamwork, realizing the priorities of their own activities, as well as justifying economic decisions in the field of public choice and the use of public spending.
    The objectives of mastering the discipline: To analyze the main philosophical and methodological problems that arise in science at the present stage of its development, and to get an idea of the trends in the historical development of science. Show that this discipline is able to explore economic concepts in the process of their origin, formation, flourishing and crisis. Present a general, internally differentiated structure of the history of economic science in areas, schools, and formulate the most general results of its evolution.
  • Recent economic history and the history of economic thought. PhD
    The objectives of mastering the discipline: based on the application of historical-genetic, comparative-historical and systemic-structural methods, to give postgraduate students a guideline for further independent work in the field of the latest economic schools and theories. Present a general, internally differentiated structure of modern economic theory in terms of directions, schools, problems of analysis and try to formulate the most general results of its evolution.
  • Project activity module .Master
    The purpose of the discipline "Module of project activity": to form, using the project method, practical skills and abilities to conduct research aimed at solving professionally oriented tasks that require the involvement of knowledge from various disciplines, the development of personal and professional competencies necessary for a competitive specialist in demand in the labor market. 2. Tasks of the project activity module:  Training in planning (to be able to clearly define the goal, describe the main steps to achieve the goal, determine the results).  Formation of skills for collecting and processing information, materials (to be able to choose the right information and use it correctly). - Ability to analyze (creativity and critical thinking).  Ability to make a written report, present and defend the results of their project activities.  orientation to independent activity of students - individual or group, which is carried out within two semesters;  construction of the educational process in the logic of activity.
  • Advanced course in economic theory (micro and macroeconomics). Master's degree
    The objectives of mastering part 2 Macroeconomics: - expanding and deepening knowledge in the field of macroeconomic theory and macroeconomic practice through the study of new (compared to the master's course) models of state economic policy, modern patterns of functioning of the domestic and world economies in the conditions of overcoming the pandemic crisis, theories of economic transformations ; - formation of competencies and skills in using the conceptual and categorical apparatus of modern macroeconomics; - expansion of basic professional competencies in the field of methodology and theory of analysis of modern macroeconomic problems in the context of the student's research topics. Tasks of mastering the academic discipline: - to acquaint with the basic methods of system analysis; - master the conceptual apparatus of modern macroeconomic dynamics, the main graphs, formulas and models used in economic calculations as the basis for making effective decisions; - to identify the attributive characteristics of the economy as a system, - to identify the main trends in the macroeconomic dynamics of the modern Russian economy, - to identify the features of the development of the national economy in the conditions of overcoming the pandemic crisis.
  • Increasing competitiveness in the labor market. MUAM
    The objectives of mastering the discipline: to develop competencies to increase the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market in the context of the digitalization of the economy Tasks:  analysis of the main theoretical concepts of the digital economy;  monitoring of topical applied issues arising in the labor market in the context of digitalization;  familiarization of students with a set of problems and factors of competitiveness of graduates in the labor market;  analysis of the problems of improving the labor legislation on the youth segment of the labor market.

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