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Olga Alexandrovna Usenko 

Associate Professor

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

System theory, assessment of the quality and survivability of complex systems, decision-making under uncertainty, statistical analysis of small samples, diagnostics of complex technical objects, optimization algorithms.


  • Applied Computer Science
    The course covers the basic concepts and areas of practical use of computer science, the course includes the following sections: 1) types of information and information processes 2) number systems and general coding principles 3) database models, DBMS 4) automated decision support systems and intelligent systems
  • Resource management in infocommunications
    This course contains information at the junction of two branches of knowledge-economics and infocommunications and involves the study of the following sections: 1) the concept of infocommunications, components of infocommunication networks; 2) the role of standardization in telecommunications and infocommunication networks, the basic model of interaction of open systems; 3) setting tasks for optimizing information flows in networks, algorithms for solving them; 4) setting tasks for allocating limited resources, algorithms for solving them; 5) methods for determining the quantitative characteristics of queuing systems; 6) evaluating the quality and reliability of software and hardware for infocommunication networks.
  • Information theory
    Данный курс содержит базовые теоретические сведения из теории информации и включает изучение следующих разделов: 1) понятия и соотношение информации и энтропии, виды информации и информационных процессов; 2) количественное определение объема информации и энтропии. Свойства информации и энтропии; 3) теоретические основы оптимального кодирования. Методы Шеннона-Фано и Хаффмена; 4) теоретические основы помехоустойчивого кодирования. Основные алгоритмы проектирования кодов с заданными характеристиками; 5) характеристики каналов связи и методы повышения верности передачи информации.
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
    The course studies the basic concepts and theorems of probability theory, random variables, systems of random variables and their distribution laws, the most important numerical characteristics. The fundamental principles of statistical methods of collecting, processing and analyzing large data sets are also considered. As part of the laboratory workshop, students master packages of statistical information processing.
  • Special sections of mathematics
    Within the framework of this discipline, some chapters of higher mathematics and mathematical analysis are considered, in particular, elements of set theory, combinatorics, algebra of logic and reasoning analysis, graph theory.