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Olga Anatolievna Chernova 


Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

regional economy, import substitution, sustainable development, innovative development, management of resource flows


Direction of scientific research:
Problems of balanced socio-economic development of a regional economy, modernization and innovation-oriented development of peripheral territories, implementation of the policy of rational import substitution.

Research projects:

 Part in the development of territorial planning Schemes in the Caspian region of the Russian Federation (January 2015);
 Part in the development of the "Strategy of investment development of the Rostov region for the period till 2020" (September 2014);
 The project "Methods of the case study in the development of innovative and entrepreneurial competence of students in the branch of southern Federal University in Novoshakhtinsk", awarded with Diploma of all-Russian exhibition center and a Diploma of the International Congress-exhibition "Global Education – Education without borders" in 2012;
 participation in the development Strategy of the city of Novoshakhtinsk 2020 (2012)
 guide by grant of southern Federal University "Mechanisms of development of social services in peripheral territories" (2013); 
 participation in the grant NSHF yufu "prospects of development of the city of Novoshakhtinsk, as a frontier territory" (2010);
 guide by grant of southern Federal University for educational and methodical work (2008-2009);
 development and implementation of a project aimed at improving the financial literacy of students and young entrepreneurs in the city of Novoshakhtinsk (2009-2013)
 participation in the grant SFU "SFU Branches in the formation of scientific-educational and cultural space" (2007).


  • Firm economics and business planning
    The discipline "Firm economics and business planning" involves the study of production processes in the enterprise, and consideration of the principles and techniques of management. The necessity of studying this discipline for students of Direction "Management" the need for knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of the management of production-economic activity of enterprises in modern conditions on the basis of which management decisions towards increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of functioning of an enterprise of any scope. The aim of the course "Economics and management of enterprises" is to develop students 'professional competencies in the field of management of enterprise in conditions of market economy; the development of students' economic thinking, acquire analytical skills, ability to justify decisions in the sphere of rational use of resources of the enterprise. Objectives of the course consist in the formation of educational competencies that allow him to solve the following professional tasks:  participation in the development and implementation of corporate and competitive strategy of the organization as well as functional strategies (marketing, financial, personnel). ; participation in the development and implementation of a set of measures of operational nature in accordance with the strategy of the organization; planning organizations and units; assessment of the effectiveness of management decisions.
  • Analytical Economics
    The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of analytical thinking among students by obtaining a holistic view of economic analysis as the most important function of management, studying the basic methods of economic analysis and their application at various stages of development and management decision;making, obtaining practical skills in using the tools of economic analysis in various areas of the enterprise (organization).
  • Industrial development ecosystems
    The discipline Ecosystems of Industrial development aims to develop students' theoretical knowledge and basic practical skills in the field of research of modern ecosystems of industrial development. The objectives of the discipline are to provide: - an understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the application of the ecosystem approach in the study of the digital economy; - consideration of innovative industrial clusters as key representations of modern ecosystems; - mastering the tools for assessing the potential of the cluster approach in the management of regional and sectoral systems, assessment of digital industrial ecosystems