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Natalia Valerievna Dmitrieva 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12427

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Research interests:

History of Russian liberalism, Theory and History of nationalism, the history of the imperial government in Russia, the social history of Russia XIX-early XX century, digital technology in historical education.

Research projects:

National outskirts in the policy of the Russian Empire and Russian social thought

The issue of inter-ethnic relations became one of the most urgent and vital challenges the Russian state has faced in the modern age. Rapid territory expansion, emerging imperial space, incorporating provinces and state of various levels of political and socio-cultural development required the Russian government to work out some flexible algorithms for managing the national outskirts, making managerial decisions, forming a complex of doctrines and strategies for heteromorphic imperial objects. At the same time the national discourse throughout the XIX century was growing to become an integral part of the Russian intellectual tradition, attracting the attention of different social thinkers. Prospects for further development of the Russian Empire, gradually perceived as increasingly heterogeneous state entity, came into the focus being the subject of in-depth intellectual reflection. The public figures stance on this issue was partially fuelled by the political interests of some of them; on the other hand, it was a kind of intellectual response to the actions of the Russian Empire’s authorities.


  • Mathematical methods in historical research
    The purpose of discipline - to extend the original scientific-methodological apparatus students learn to apply in practice and research activities in addition to traditional methods, mainly on logical analysis, mathematical methods, which help to quantify the socio-economic phenomena and facts.
  • Electronic document management system
    The purpose of the discipline - mastering the basics of electronic document organization and formation skills in electronic document management systems in the field of procurement.
  • National suburbs in the politics of the Russian Empire / USSR and in Russian public thought
    The educational material of the discipline "National Borders in the Politics of the Russian Empire / USSR and in Russian Public Thought" is focused on mastering by the graduate students the latest theoretical achievements of modern historical science, mastering various methods of cognitive activity, developing humanitarian thinking and cognitive independence. Course Objectives: Identification of general historical patterns in the history of the formation of the Russian Empire / USSR; The study of the diversity of historical ties of the various outskirts of the Russian state; Determining the place and significance of Russian social thought in the process of determining the political course of the Russian state.
  • History of Northern Eurasia
    The educational material of the discipline "History of Northern Eurasia" is focused on the mastery of the latest theoretical achievements of modern historical science, mastery of various methods of cognitive activity, the development of humanitarian thinking and cognitive independence. The main goal of the course “History of Northern Eurasia" is to show the past of this region as an experience of the joint history of many peoples speaking different languages, professing different religions.

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