Natalia Gennadievna Sklyarova
Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication
Research interests:
ORCID 0000-0002-2875-3317
Scopus 57193058610
Web of Science K-38482917
РИНЦ SPIN 9193-5322
РИНЦ AuthorID 436982
Language universals, political discourse, semiotics, functional grammar, interaction of language and culture, text linguistics, pragmatic approach to speech units
Research projects:
Alternativeness as a Language Universal
Innovative Complex of Didactic Materials for Lectures and Seminars on Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language
Semiotics of various types of discourse
Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language
International and National Aspects of Languages and Cultures
Practical Course of English (Proficiency level)
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