Nadezda Mikhaylovna Khansivarova
Research interests:
The main directions of scientific research N. Khansivarova were associated with the problem of engineering-geoecological changes in the geological environment under the influence of industrial natural and technical systems, as well as the influence of the biotic component on the formation of the composition, state and properties of dispersed rocks. The last ten years, N. M. Khasianova mainly deals with problems of practical engineering Geology related to the solution of specific industrial problems. Currently, the priority is to study the soil layers of the European part of the South of Russia as the foundations of buildings and structures. The second important area is the analysis of peculiarities of implementation of geological engineering survey with the requirements of the new normative documents in the field of engineering, in particular construction of the calculation of geomechanical models of geological objects in accordance with the introduced new Technical Regulations.
Research projects:
Khansivarova N. he is the executor of sections 1. 2, 4 research work on the topic:"the Implementation of works on the analysis of existing regulatory technical and methodological documents containing requirements for the composition, volume and methods of study of subsidence soils and the development of rules of engineering surveys in the areas of distribution of subsidence soils."