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2.Zunde, V.V., Ketova, N.P., Murzin, A.D.// The activity of researchorganizations as a stimulating factor for the innovative production development in the Southern Federal District of Russia [La actividad de las organizaciones de investigación como factor estimulante para el desarrollo innovador de la producción en el Distrito Federal del Sur de Rusia].// Revista Espacios. Vol.41. Issue 01. Page 30. (2020) URL:http://www.revistaespaci os.com/a20v41n01/20410 130.html
3. Ovchinnikov V.N., Ketova N.P «Regulatory Functions of Ecological Imperatives in Environmental Management"«Innovative Trends in International Business and Sustainable Management», серия «Approaches to Global Sustainability, Markets, and Governance», Springer. 27 сентября 2022. р р.. 511–518. Scopus
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5. Ovchinnikov V.N., Ketova N.P. Features of strategizing the modernization of the technical structure of production as a form of innovative development Dela Press Publishing House (Республика Ирландия) в серии Dela Press Conference Series: Economics, Business and Management (план 2022 г.) WoS
6. Ketova, N.P., Granovskaya, I.Y.
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