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Natalia Petrovna Ketova 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13016

+7(903) 401-93-98


Faculty of Management

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Research interests: marketing in industries and spheres of activity, territorial, socially-oriented marketing; regional economy, including the economy of peripheral regions of the South of Russia; innovative technologies in marketing; system transformation of the economy of the Southern Federal District.

1.Ovchinnikov VN, Ketova NP. Theoretical- methodological grounds of market economy research: political and economic research. / Phenomenon of market economy: theoretical and methodological content- busines of           innovation. Monograf.

London. LSP. 2019. p.34- 37.

2.Zunde, V.V., Ketova, N.P., Murzin, A.D.// The activity of researchorganizations as a stimulating factor for the innovative production development in the Southern Federal District of Russia [La actividad de las organizaciones de investigación como factor estimulante para el desarrollo innovador de la producción en el Distrito Federal del Sur de Rusia].// Revista Espacios. Vol.41. Issue 01. Page 30. (2020) URL:http://www.revistaespaci 130.html


3. Ovchinnikov V.N., Ketova N.P «Regulatory Functions of Ecological Imperatives in Environmental Management"«Innovative Trends in International Business and Sustainable Management», серия «Approaches to Global Sustainability, Markets, and Governance», Springer. 27 сентября 2022. р р.. 511–518. Scopus

4. Кетова Н. П., Овчинников В.Н.

Ecologically Oriented Marketing in Digital Economy: Substance, Formation Management, Social Significance. «Management in financial Economy”

 Strategies and Trends in Organizational and Project Management// Series “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systrms”380. Springer Nature Swijzerland AG.  Cham.    2022. Рр. 268–274. Scopus

5. Ovchinnikov V.N., Ketova N.P. Features of strategizing the modernization of the technical structure of production as a form of innovative development Dela Press Publishing House (Республика Ирландия) в серии Dela Press Conference Series: Economics, Business and Management (план 2022 г.) WoS

6. Ketova, N.P., Granovskaya, I.Y.
Integrated Marketing Communications that Determine Consumer Behavior Models: Management
Implementation Strategies

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2022 368 LNNS, pp. 546-554. Scopus


Research projects:

"Economic practices of the people of the North Caucasus: ethno-economics - centure 21 (grant rgnf 15-02-00200)" , 2015-2016yy.

"The role of territorial markeing in the system of tools to ensure the competitiveness of Russian regions" 2014y.

"Dinamics of the market of innovative products and services of the region" 2015y.


  • Scientific-methodological seminar:"Methods and organization of scientific research in the field of marketing"
    Discipline, included in the module NIR.B2. The purpose of a discipline: the formation of knowledge in the field of methodological bases of research in the field of marketing, the rational for marketing projects, plans and programs.
  • "Bisness game "Justtification of the strategy and tools for the promotion of goods to the market"
    Is a discipline for the selection of the module B1.VD.4.2. The propose of the discipline: the formation of systematic knowlegde and skills of justifying strategic decisions and tools for promoting goods to market, defending them in a game form.
  • Scientific and methodological seminar "Presentation of the results of marketing research in the masters thesis"
    is a discipline of NIR.B3 module. The purpose of a discipline: the formation of knowledge and practical skills of conducting research, the presentation of scientific results and the practical importance of masters thesis.