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Nikita Andreevich Gulyaev 

Assistant Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Research interests:

Methods and algorithms for image synthesis, processing and analysis of images and signals, computing and infocommunication systems, interactive graphic applications;

Research projects:

Project: Research and development of optimization methods for direct volume visualization in distributed real-time systems

Tags: Computer graphics, three-dimensional visualization, real-time visualization systems, high-precision visualization systems, direct volumetric rendering, ray tracing, visualization method, hybrid visualization method, software visualization systems

Summary: The goal of the Project is to investigate and solve the problem of balance between the accuracy of visualization result and elapsed time for direct volume visualization. The Project proposes a research of sampling and compositing rates is proposed in order to identify the reasons of changes in corresponding values and the relationship of such changes with processed graphic data characteristics. Also, the Project proposes a research and development of optimization method for hybrid direct volume visualization techniques, which perform a variation of sampling and compositing procedures based on processed graphic data characteristics. The project proposes a study on an actual problem, which is extremely crucial for real-time visualization software systems, high-precision distributed visualization, systems and any software solutions, that require a variability in the quality and performance ratio. The Project proposes a unique approach for graphic data peculiarity study – for the first time in the field the graphical data features are considered as independent quantitative values. Also the Project proposes a new approach to research and development of optimization methods based on evaluations of graphic data characteristics. The results of the research will form the methodological basis for direct volumetric visualization procedures’ optimizing based on evaluated graphic data features, will provide practical solutions for implementation in software systems, also will make a significant contribution to the development of hybrid methods in the field of direct volumetric visualization.


  • Computer graphics
  • Image processing and computer vision