Nadezhda Olegovna Grigoryeva
Associate Professor
Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication
Research interests:
grammar, syntax, pragmalinguistics, languaculturolagy
Research projects:
РИНЦ SPIN-код: 2311-7350, AuthorID: 572319
ResearcherID B-1320-2017
History of Russian literary language
The purpose of discipline: to form students ' clear understanding of the origin and functioning of the Russian language as a system, the formation of common cultural universal (General scientific, socio-personal, instrumental) and professional competences in accordance with the requirements of the GEF IN this area of training: To master the disciplines "History of the Russian literary language" students use the knowledge and skills generated at the previous level of education. The study of the discipline "History of the Russian literary language" is a necessary basis for the subsequent study of the disciplines "Modern Russian language", "Stylistics", "Philological analysis of the text", "Russian as a foreign language". "History of the Russian literary language" is one of the theoretical courses in the system of linguistic compulsory special disciplines studied at the philological faculties of universities. The history of the Russian literary language is the final course of historical and linguistic disciplines included in the training program of a teacher of literature. The history of the Russian literary language is connected with the course of historical grammar of the Russian language, but differs from it in the subject and the method of presentation of the material. The history of the Russian literary language belongs to the number of philological disciplines, which is manifested in its close connection with the history of Russian literature. The professional pedagogical orientation of this course largely determines the special place that is given in its framework to the analysis of the language of the works of writers presented in the school program of Russian literature. The study of the history of the Russian literary language will help the future teacher to understand more deeply the artistic perfection of Russian literature, to fully appreciate the richness and expressiveness of the modern literary language. An important feature of the course of history of the Russian literary language is its conceptual nature. The study of the course contributes to the development and improvement of the linguistic sense of the students, skills in practical use of the variety of forms based on the genre of the speech, its content and targets of the author, the development in students of practical skills of analysis of language launch of the facts that will allow you to make the right analysis of the language material. At the same time, students should be ready to accept the new theoretical material on the functioning of the grammatical system of the Russian language, the formation of the norm, to know the basic linguistic terms, to have the skills of text analysis.