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Anatoly Vladimirovich Nepomnyashchiy 

+7(863) 436-16-09


Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

The area of scientific interests is connected with a perspective of the general methodology of the humanities, integrated anthropology, integrated psychology, methodological problems of psychology, general pedagogics and development of the personality in educational systems, integration of natural-science and humanitarian knowledge in multilevel educational systems, the theory and history of religions, information and psychological safety of the personality. It have been prepared more than 30 candidates of science and 6 doctors of science in the fields of pedagogics and psychology.

Research projects:

It was created the new direction of scientific research in the field of natural-science and humanitarian knowledge integration in educational systems. Was directed basic scientific research within the State task in a number of the cross-disciplinary directions: "Information means of self-knowledge, self-assessment and self-planning of educational activity, development of the personality in the new information environment"; "Development of the concept of information and psychological safety of the personality in the educational environment"; "Research and development of the methodological bases of interaction of humanitarian and natural sciences in the educational system of innovative higher education institution", etc.

Now with the use of methodology of integrated vision have been developed the project of creation of innovative educational institution "Southern Russian Integrated Institute"


  • "Anthropology"; "Methodological problems of psychology"; "History and theory of religions"; "Bases of information and psychological safety"; "Methodology of scientific research"; "Psychological bases of vocational guidance and self-determination"; "History of psychology of work and engineering psychology"; "Education philosophy". "Psychology of the Health"