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Natalia Shvetsova 

+7(928) 904-65-55


Research Institute of Physics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

Methods have been developed for studying nonlinear processes in ferroelectric ceramics under the action of an external action and frequency dependences of the complex electromechanical parameters of ferroelectric ceramic materials, based on the analysis of the impedance spectra of higher overtones of the thickness mode of oscillations of piezoelectric elements. A method based on the analysis of piezoresonance spectra has been developed, which makes it possible to obtain more accurate data and reveal the mechanisms of relaxation and transient processes in ferroelectric ceramics, taking into account the out-of-phase response of the material to external influences (Study of nonlinear processes in ferroelectric ceramics in weak electric fields / N.A. Shvetsova, S. A. Shcherbinin, I. A. Shvetsov, M. A. Lugovaya, and A. N. Rybyanets // Tech. N.A. Shvetsova, S.A. Shcherbinin, M.A. Lugovaya, A.N. Reznichenko, A.N. Rybyanets // Ferroelectrics. /00150193.2020.1736921; N.A. Shvetsova, S.A. Shcherbinin, I.A. Shvetsov, N.A. Kolpacheva, and A.N. Rybyanets // Ferroelectrics 2021 V 576 N 1 P 100 -105.DOI: 10.108 0/00150193.2021.1888266). A method has been developed for studying the frequency dependences of the complex electromechanical parameters of ferro-piezoceramic materials based on the analysis of the impedance spectra of higher overtones of the thickness mode of oscillations of piezoelectric elements. Samples of composite materials with previously unattainable controlled dielectric and piezoelectric parameters were fabricated. Comprehensive studies of porous and lead-free ceramics and ceramic matrix composites were carried out (Acoustic spectroscopy of ceramic matrix piezocomposites / N.A. Shvetsova, E.I. Petrova, D.I. Makariev, A.N. Rybyanets // Izvestiya RAN. Physical series. 2020. T Microstructure characterization and properties of porous piezoceramics / N.A. Shvetsova, I.A. Shvetsov, M.A. Lugovaya, E.I. Petrova, and A.N. Rybyanets // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 2022. Microstructural features and complex electromechanical parameters of lead-free ferroelectric ceramics / N.A. Shvetsova, M.A. Lugovaya, I.A. Shvetsov, A.P. Turygin, V.I. Pryakhina DOI: 10.1080/00150193.2022.2041931; Microstructural features and complex electromechanical parameters of Pb0.95Sr0.05Ti0.47Zr0 .53O3 + 1% Nb2O5 porous piezoceramics / N.A. Shvetsova, E.I. Petrova, M.A. Lugovaya, M.A. Marakhovsky, O.E. Bryl, A.N. Rybyanets // Ferroelectrics. 2022. V. 591. N 1. P. 143-149. DOI: 10.1080/00150193.2022.2041932). The concept of microstructural design of active materials has been developed and tested. New methods of ultrasonic diagnostics and therapeutic treatment of biological tissues and the design of ultrasonic transducers for medical purposes have been developed and implemented. New methods for the formation of high-intensity ultrasonic fields have been developed and implemented in medical equipment (Combinational Radiofrequency Electromagnetic and Ultrasonic Method for Medical Applications / N.A. Shvetsova, I.A. Shvetsov, M.A. Lugovaya, E.I. Petrova, N.A. Kolpacheva, A.N. Rybyanets // 2021 Radiation and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves (RSEMW), 2021, pp. 377-380, DOI: 10.1109/RSEMW52378.2021.9494088; S. A. Shcherbinin, A. N. Rybyanets // Izvestiya RAN, Physical Series, 2018, vol. 82, no. N. A. Shvetsova, I. A. Shvetsov, M. A. Lugovaya, A. N. Reznichenko, A. N. Rybyanets // Ferroelectrics, 2019. V. 539. I. 1. P. 131-138, DOI: 10.1080/00150193.2019.1570000; .A., Shvetsov I.A., Shvetsova ON. A method for complex cosmetic treatment of the patient's surface tissues and a device for its implementation. Patent for the invention of the Russian Federation No. 2748502. (2021)).

Research projects:

Project management:
1. Research work "Ensuring the conduct of scientific research" No. 3.8863.2017/7.8 (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2017 - 2018).
2. R&D "Development and manufacture of piezoceramic elements for ultrasonic medical equipment" (Other sources, 2017 - 2021).
Participation in projects:
1. R&D "Development of new methods of spatial and temporal localization of ultrasonic therapeutic influence for prospective medical applications" No. 22-2-00710 (Russian Science Foundation, 2022).
2. R&D "Development of an ultrasonic modulation system for microfluidic technology of accelerated synthesis of new functional nanomaterials" No. SP-111-22-03 (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, SFedU, 2022).
3. R&D "Development and manufacture of experimental samples of an ultrasonic transducer according to the variant of the design proposed by the Customer with piezoelectric elements made of crystalline lithium niobate, high-temperature piezoelectric ceramics based on bismuth titanate and piezoelectric ceramics based on PZT (for comparison and verification)" No. 1/EOP. 2/EOP, 22.08/3 (Other sources, 2020 - 2022).
4. Research work "Features of crystalline systems with local structural disturbances at meso- and nanoscale scale levels, experiencing successive structural and magnetic phase transitions" No. BAZ0110/20-3-08IF (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2020 - 2022).
5. Research work "Research of the processes of complex synergistic effects of physical factors on biological tissues" No. 12.5425.2017/BP (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2019).
6. Research work "Development and experimental substantiation of the technology of creating a brain-brain interface (IMM) based on bioelectric activity and non-invasive reversible stimulation as a fundamentally new channel of communication and control" No. ST/2018-FPI-02/NK (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation jointly with FPI, 2018).
7. R&D "Development of a multifunctional medical complex" No. 21-16-555/OK (JSC "Research Institute of Television" in the framework of the implementation of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 09, 2010 No. 218, 2016 - 2017).
8. R&D "Development of a method of complex ultrasonic diagnostics and activation of oil-bearing layers for increase of efficiency of production heavy oils" N 15-12-00023 (Russian Science Foundation, 2015 - 2017).