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Natalia Alekseevna Kosolapova 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13034


Southern Federal University


Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Management of ecological-economic systems

Econometric modeling

Organizational-economic mechanism of management of water supply provision of regional water economy complexes

Research projects:

Work in the authors group of South Federal University and North Caucasus scientific research Institute of complex use and protection of water resources on the subject: "the Taganrog Bay of the Azov sea: current status and problems of nature (according to the study published monograph)".2012. 
Work on the national project "Education" on "the Program of development of Federal state institution of higher professional education "southern Federal University" 2007-2010" for the project "Model of environmental orientation public-private investment strategies of human capital in the innovation economy" (project leader E. Lazareva). Author topic: "Economic evaluation of natural resources as a condition of formation of strategy of innovative development".

RFBR grant "Intellectual modeling of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing water resources for regional water management complexes" (project leader L. Matveeva) 2018-2020




  • Statistics
    Goals of learning: familiarization with modern methodology of collection, processing, collating statistical information, acquisition of skills of calculation of statistical indicators, their analysis and use to make informed management decisions.
    Objectives of the discipline: to form theoretical knowledge on the basics of machine learning for building formal mathematical models and interpreting modeling results, to develop skills in the practical application of machine learning methods in solving applied economic problems using various software tools.
  • Data Science Tools
    Objectives of studying the discipline Introducing students to mathematical and software tools used to address a wide range of economic tasks requiring processing of large arrays of quantitative and quality information.