Nadezhda Andreevna Diakonova
Research interests:
Physical culture, medical physical culture.Assessment of the functional status of persons engaged in physical culture and sports; physical rehabilitation of student youth.
Education and advanced training:
higher education, ( - ) Edit Delete
physical education
teacher of physical culture
advanced training, HBO DPO RO "Center for Advanced Training of Specialists with Secondary medical and Pharmaceutical education" ( - ) Edit Delete
Physical therapy
higher education, Rostov State Pedagogical Institute / Diploma with honors number 297936 (01.09.1975 - 02.07.1979 ) Edit Delete
Physical education
Physical education teacher
Advanced training , Southern Federal University ( 26.04.2018-10.05.2018 ) Edit Delete
The provision of first aid
professional development , southern Federal University ( 19.04.2018 - 03.05.2018 ) Edit Delete
Organizational and methodological aspects of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports
advanced training , Southern Federal University ( 24.04.2018-28.04.2018 ) Edit Delete
Modern information and communication technologies in education
professional development, ANO " NMC "SUVAG"", workshop, Rostov-on-Don, 21zh Sorge str. ( 25.09.2020-28.10.2020 ) Edit Delete
Inclusive professional education in higher education institutions: infrastructure of support and development
certificate of
advanced training, AFKiS SFU, Rostov-on-Don, 5 Sorge str. ( 25.05.2020-25.06.2020 ) Edit Delete
First aid pre-medical care
distance education
Advanced training , SBOU DPO RO "Center for Advanced Training of Specialists with Secondary medical and Pharmaceutical education", Rostov-n-Don, Blagodatnaya str., 170 ( 25.09.2020-28.10.2020 ) Edit Delete
Physical therapy specialist
Research projects:
Born on 20.02.1958 in the Rostov region .
In 1965, she entered the first class of Secondary School .
In 1975, she successfully graduated from school.
In 1975, she entered the Rostov State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Physical Culture"
In 1979, she graduated from the Rostov State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Physical Culture.
In 1981, she was trained in Physical Therapy and was hired as an instructor in physical therapy at the Polyclinic No. 10.
In 2003, she was hired as a teacher of physical culture at RSPU
In 2011, she confirmed her qualification in the field of physical therapy.
From 25.09.2015 to 28.10.2015, she improved her skills in "GBOUDPORO "" Center for Advanced Training in the program of physical therapy"
in the amount of 144 hours .
Professional development:
Advanced training , Southern Federal University ( 26.04.2018-10.05.2018 )
Provision of first aid
Advanced training , Southern Federal University ( 19.04.2018-03.05.2018 )
Organizational and methodological aspects of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports
advanced training , Southern Federal University ( 24.04.2018-28.04.2018 )
Modern information and communication technologies in education
Conducts master classes at various forums and Festivals of sciences.
Research interests: assessment of the functional state of persons engaged in physical culture and sports; physical rehabilitation of students.
Leads sports sections in the direction of: Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports
Health-improving physical culture, Therapeutic physical culture, Special medical group, Health-improving direction of physical culture, for students with disabilities.
Scientific and pedagogical activity for the last 5 years
During his professional career, five works have been published in the last five years . From the bottom : 1 article in the refereed journal of the Higher Attestation Commission and four teaching materials .
Academic degrees-no
Academic titles-no
The honorary title - no
Awards -no
Winning competitions -no
Discharge - no
Rating for 2017 17 points, 2018 24 points, 2019 32.94 points
Physical culture. Healing Fitness
Lesson with students with weakened health.
The purpose of development of discipline is formation of physical culture of the student as system and integrative quality of the personality as conditions and prerequisites of effective educational professional activity as the generalized indicator of professional culture of future expert.
Medical physical culture / Specialist Certificate 076130005968 The certificate is a state-issued document, Registration number 2420 Rostov-on-Don, date of issue 28.10.2020.
Therapeutic physical culture ; physical therapy) is a discipline that uses physical culture (mainly physical exercises) for the treatment and rehabilitation of people with disabilities, as well as the prevention of diseases. To increase the effectiveness of exercises, the tasks of physical therapy include the use of pedagogical means of influence: developing the student's self-confidence, conscious attitude to the classes and the need to take an active part in them
Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports
Health-improving physical culture, Therapeutic physical culture, Special medical group, Health-improving direction of physical culture, for students with disabilities.
Physical Education and Sports Edit Delete