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Natalya Alexandrovna Belik 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12438

+7(928) 147-13-72

Senior lecturer

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Research interests:

She graduated from the philological faculty of Rostov state pedagogical University in 2002, the same year she enrolled in graduate school in the specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language at the Russian language Department, where she was appointed to the position of assistant. Belik N.. conducts practical training courses on "phonetics, Lexicology", "phraseology", "Morphemics", "Morphology", "Syntax of complex sentences", "Workshop on orthography and punctuation", "Theory and methodology of teaching Russian language in secondary school", "Methods of teaching Russian language in secondary school" for students of the faculty of Slavic and Western European Philology and the faculty of Philology, is curator for seven years a group of students. For seven years she published 6 articles in collections of scientific works in Rostov –on - don, Moscow; Released a tutorial "Workshop on orthography and punctuation" in cooperation with Assoc. Crickey N. M., and also made reports at the scientific-practical conferences ("Pedagogy in the educational space of the don region: enrichment of spiritual and moral experience and expanding the aesthetic horizons of identity through the word", Rostov-on-don, 2004, "literature: traditions and modernity" Rostov-na-Donu, 2006; in the framework of improvement of qualification have passed courses of improvement of qualification "computer in education" (2005), after which he received a certificate, have passed training courses on "Integrated innovation project at the University of PI yufu, ICPPS": "Competence-based approach and modern educational technologies in the implementation of quality assurance systems of higher education" (2007). Developed lecture courses on disciplines: "modern means of assessment of learning outcomes" for the faculty of Philology full-time and correspondence forms of training; courses "Theory and methodology of teaching Russian language", "Theoretical foundations of teaching Russian language in high school," she developed and taught at branches of the pedagogical Institute (Zernograd Konstantinovsk, St. Veshenskaya).