Maria Victorovna Bratolyubova
Associate Professor
Institute of History and International Relations
Research interests:
Political regionalistics of Russia in XX century; Visual research
Russia in Global Politics
This course is intended for second-year students of the day-time department of the Institute of History and International Relations of SFedU, studying in the direction of preparation 031900 International Relations (qualification (degree) "Bachelor"). The goal of the course is to form students' understanding of the situation of Russia in the world, the state and dynamics of the modern system of international relations through the prism of Russian interests. The conceptual issues of the formation of the foreign policy course and the implementation of the foreign policy of the state in the international political environment are considered. An understanding is given of the internal political aspects of the formation of Russia's foreign policy interests, the concept of foreign policy resources and the mode of action. Against the backdrop of trends within the framework of the regional MOD systems, a picture is given of the current state of Russia's relations with the leading states of the world, of Russian policy towards international organizations and regional blocs.
History of Russia
This course is intended for the first year students ("international relations") of the full-time department of the Faculty of History of SFedU. The purpose of the discipline is to form a comprehensive understanding of the cultural and historical originality of Russia, its place in the world and European civilization; To form a systematized knowledge of the basic laws and features of the world historical process, with an emphasis on studying the history of Russia; Introduction to the circle of historical problems related to the field of future professional activity, development of skills for obtaining, analyzing and summarizing historical information.
Theory and methodology of historical research
Mastering the discipline "Theory and methodology of historical research" involves gaining knowledge about the characteristics of the basic methods used in various fields of historical science. The program of the course is oriented on theoretical and practical preparation for two main kinds of professional activity of the historian: research and practical work/
Module of the project activity
The module of the project activity is an auditor and extracurricular activity of the student, consisting in participation in the creation of a new research or practical product for him within the framework of a project. The project activity is focused on the use of knowledge, skills and skills obtained during training, for posing and solving practical problems that can be both academic and applied.
Interdisciplinary approaches in modern humanities research
The discipline "Interdisciplinary approaches in modern humanitarian research" is intended to familiarize students with modern methods of interdisciplinary research, is aimed at revealing to students the vision of a broader methodological perspective of studying the humanities, developing skills of interdisciplinary synthesis in their own scientific and educational activities. The course is aimed at undergraduates who study in the socio-humanitarian fields, whose scientific and educational interests are related to the theoretical and methodological problems of modern humanitarism and the application of an interdisciplinary approach in research and educational activities.
Visual History
The purpose of mastering the discipline "Visual History" is to study the main types of visual historical sources, their specifics, and master the methods and techniques of working with a visual source. The tasks of mastering the discipline "Visual History": to reveal the nature of the phenomenon of visual history; To define its theoretic-cognitive and socio-cultural sources, the "problem field"; To identify adequate sources and methods of research; To show the prospect of introducing a new type of information into scientific use, which, besides the usual cognitive elements, allows us to identify additional aspects of audiovisual communication that are difficult to analyze logically.