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Marina Valerievna Belavkina 

Associate Professor

Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

History, sociology and bases of the right in the field of physical culture and sport


  • History of physical culture and sport
    As a result of studying of the course "History of Physical Culture and Sport" students receive data on historical prerequisites of origin of physical culture and sport as they of the phenomena of human society, get acquainted with historical regularities and regional features of development of physical culture at separate stages of existence of human society.
  • The sociology and legal bases of physical culture and sport
    The sociology and legal bases of physical culture and sport otrasliizuchat the basic legislative principles of development of physical culture and sport to the Russian Federation, the system of the legislation governing the relations in the course of occupations by physical culture and sport, the main social groups of social institutes of physical culture and sport, and also feature of relationship in sports
  • Physical culture and sport on Don
    The course purpose ; to show process of origin and development of physical culture and sport in the certain region of the Russian Federation (Rostov region) Problems of a course ; acquaintance with features and the main regularities of development of physical culture on Don, development of the main terms and concepts reflecting features of national physical culture, national sports. The problem of international education by means of the analysis of national heritage in the sphere of physical culture and sport of the people of the North Caucasus and Don is special. On the example of development of physical culture and sport in such multinational region as the Rostov region the contribution of various people to development of culture, modern sporting achievements is traced.