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Marina Georgievna Vaskina 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

work force, competitiveness in the labor market, especially the Russian labor market, industrial production, import substitution policy, industrial clusters, industrial policy

Research projects:

«Institutions of realization new industrial policy» (agreement N16-02-00469/16 from 27 April 2016)


  • Economy of Russia
    The course examines the general micro- and macroeconomic patterns of the functioning of the Russian economy
  • National economy
    In the course, the process of formation of the subject and the method of the national economy, the theory of economic systems, the results of managing the leading states in the conditions of market relations are studied. A special section is devoted to the ways and possible scenarios for the development of the domestic economy
  • Macroeconomics
    Discipline "Macroeconomics" is devoted to the analysis and evaluation of the laws of the functioning of the economy as a whole
  • Management Economics
    In this course, the first module examines the General micro-and macroeconomic patterns of the Russian economy
  • Macroeconomics-2
    The academic discipline "Macroeconomics-2" refers to the basic part (mandatory modules) of Block 1. Is realized on 3 rate in 6 semester. To study this discipline requires the following knowledge and skills formed by the previous discipline "macroeconomics". Entrance requirements for students: macroeconomic indicators and methods of their measurement, patterns of economic development at the macroeconomic level; economic dynamics and the theory of market cycles