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Tatiana Minkina 

+7(863) 243-33-55

Head of the department

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies


Southern Federal University

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Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

The head of Soil Science and Land Evaluation Department


Scientific area: Soil Science, Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Environmental Soil Chemistry. Soil monitoring, assessment, modeling and remediation using physicochemical treatment methods.


Scopus Author ID: 15063165400

Web of Science ResearcherID: AAC-3561-2020


2016 - to present         Member of Expert Group of Russian Academy of Science;

2017 - to present         Member of Expert Group of Russian Foundation for Basic Research;

2017 - to present         Member of Expert Group of Russian Science Foundation;

2013 - to present         Member of the International Committee on Contamination Land;

2012-to present           Member of Eurasian Soil Science Societies;

2005-2010                  Member of the International Committee on Protection of the Environment;

1999-to present           Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Conferences on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements;

1989 – to present        Member of Dokuchaev Society of Soil Scientists.


Editorial board member of Geochemistry: Environment, Exploration, Analysis; ISSN: 1467-7873 (Impact factor: 1.109; 5yr IF: 1.769; SJR: 0.334; SNIP: 0.598).


Editorial board member of Eurasian Journal of Soil Science; e-ISSN : 2147 – 4249.


Member of Editorial board of 4 international and Russian scientific journals, indexed in international citation databases («Eurasian Journal of Soil Science», «Biogeosystem Technique», «Bulletin of Agricultural Science Don», «Alive and biokosnye system».)



The Head of International Master’s Degree Educational Program “Management and estimation of land resources” (2015-2022 years, accreditation by ACQUIN).


Executive in charge of Russia in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees in Soil Science (emiSS).


Lectures of soil chemistry, Ecology, Soil Science, Chemical analysis of soils, Chemical contamination of soils, Soil organic matter, Soil protection against degradation, ecological functions of soils, and certification of soils. Supervision of Bachelors’ and Masters' projects, Ph.D. students.


Total scientific publications: 757 (389 in English); Web of Science – 107, Scopus – 152

Citing index: Web of Science – 609, h-index – 15;

Scopus – 893, h-index – 17.

Monographs: 10 (4 in English)

Patents: 11


International communication

2019 - Visiting professor at the University of Ondokuz Mays, Turkey.

2018 – Visiting professor at China University of Geoscience.

2018 - Visiting professor at Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Department at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Selcuk University (Konya, Turkey).

2018 - The winner of academic exchange programs in the Mevlana of Selcuk University, Turkey.

2018 - Visiting professor at Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Department at Agricultural Faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University (Samsun, Turkey).

2018 - The winner of academic exchange programs Erasmus+ of the University of Ondokuz Mays, Turkey.

2017 - Participation in the IV forum of rectors of universities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Cuba.

2016 - Visiting professor at Amity University, Gautambudhnagar, India.

2015-2016 - The winner of academic exchange programs in the Mevlana, Selcuk University and the University of Ondokuz Mays, Turkey.

2015 - Visiting professor at Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Department at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey.

2014 - Visiting professor at Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Department at Agricultural Faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.

2014 – Visiting professor at the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture of Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey.

2013Visiting professor at Environmental monitoring Faculty of International State Environmental University (Minsk, Belarus)

2012 - Visiting professor at Chemical Department of Technion University" (Haifa, Israel)

2009 - Visiting professor at Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

2008 - Visiting professor at National Taiwan University, Taibei

2007 – Visiting professor at Moscow State University, Russia



The award "Scientist of the Year-2019", the Rostov Region Government, Russian Federation.

Medal of the Rostov Region Government "For valorous work for the benefit of the Don Region", 2016.

The award «For contribution to Science and Education», Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2015, and the Bashkortostan Republic, 2017.

Acknowledgments certificate and medal behalf V.V. Kowalski, 2018 from the Geochemical Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences for a fundamental contribution to the soil biogeochemistry and ecology development.

Winner of the all-Russian competition for the best scientific book of 2018, conducted by the Foundation for the Development of National Education among university lecturers and researchers at scientific research establishment for the book “Soils of geochemical landscapes of Lower Don and their environmental characteristics”.

Letter of appreciation from the Director of the Institute for Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Galimov E.M. for active participation in the work of the X International Biogeochemical School "Modern problems of the state and biogeochemical evolution of taxons of the biosphere", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Institute for Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017.

Letter of appreciation Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan "For the preparation of highly qualified personnel in the field of soil science", 2016.

Diploma rector of the Southern Federal University, "International and national recognition" Rostov-on-Don, 2015.

Anniversary medal «Merits in the Southern Federal University», 2015.

The honorable certificate of achievements in the field of geochemistry, 2013.

The honorable certificate «The best supervisor of students in Southern federal university» in a nomination «Natural sciences», 2010.

The honorable certificate «Best research scientific work in Southern Federal University», 2009.

A bronze medal of the All-Russia exhibition center, the Russian agro-industrial week "Mellow autumn" of the Ministry of Agriculture, the government of Moscow, the Russian Academy of agricultural sciences «Working out of theoretical bases and innovative technological means of long-term preventive management of fertility biosystems», 2010.

Medal of the Society of soil scientists of V.V. Dokuchayev, 2008.

Research projects:

The Head of scientific projects of Russian Foundation of Basic Researches, Russian Scientific Foundation, Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation and Russian and International traveling grants.

Download CV (pdf)