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Vadim Yurievich Melikyan 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12435

Head of the department

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication


Southern Federal University

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Scopus Author ID: 57188719481.

Web Of Science: AAN-4094-2020.

Orcid: 0000-0003-0166-6106.

РИНЦ Author ID: 381767.

РИНЦ SPIN: 7053-3954.

Language theory,  syntactic phraseology, lexical phraseology, forensic linguistics, Russian, Romano-Germanic, comparative linguistics,  translation theory.

- member of the Expert Council of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for Philology since 2014,

- member of the dissertation council since 2001,

- chairman of the dissertation council (2002 - 2007),

- member of the Attestation Commission for the awarding of academic degrees in SFedU,

- editor-in-chief deputy of the journal from the "list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Russian Federation" "Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology",

- member of the editorial board of journals from the "list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Russian Federation": "Scientific Thought of the Caucasus", "Bulletin of Pyatigorsk State University" (Pyatigorsk), "Topical Problems of Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics" (Vladikavkaz),

- member of the Public Council on the Application of Legislation on the Media and on Countering Extremist Activity under Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications in the Southern Federal District,

- member of the Russian association of cognitive linguists,

- guest of honor of the International Scientific Conference "Discursive Studies in Contemporary Slavic Studies" (October 3-4, 2019). France (Lyon): Jean Moulin Lyon University - 3, 2019,

- head of the Association of Linguistic Experts of the South of Russia (since 2011).

   In total 44 dissertations were defended, among them: 7 grand Ph.D., 37 Ph.D. (in the specialties 10.02.01 – the Russian language, 10.02.04 - German languages, 10.02.05 - Roman languages, 10.02.19 - theory of language, 10.02.20 – comparative-historical, typological and contrastive linguistics, 10.01.01 - Russian literature).

   Consultancy of post-graduate students – 7 people.

   3 people have defended the thesis over the past 5 years:

   1. Akbaeva O.V. Phraseosyntactic schemes with a supporting component-non-nominal word: structural and functional approaches (based on the Russian language): thesis for Ph.D. of Philology. 2016. (КНД N 034180).

   2. Mukhamedzhanova A.M. Term-derivative and terminological units in a literary text: structural-semantic, pragmatic and ethnolinguistic aspects (based on the works of M. Sholokhov): thesis for Ph.D. of Philology. 2017. (КНД N 039131).

   3. Melnik A. D. Phraseologized syntactic constructions in German: thesis for Ph.D. of Philology. 2017. (КАН N 007292).

   Thesis defense assigned – 2 people:

   1. Kerimova S.U. Epigrams by V. Gaft: pragmalinguistic and idiostylistic aspects: thesis for Ph.D. of Philology. 22.12.2020.

   2. Vnukovskaya A.V. Text paradigms of phraseological units in the fiction of M.A. Sholokhov: structural-semantic and functional-stylistic aspects: thesis for Ph.D. of Philology. 29.01.2021.

   Author and head of the unique interdisciplinary Master's program "Forensic Linguistics".

   Head of the additional professional training program "Linguistic Expertise" (108 hours).

   Development and lecturing of Master's courses "Legal Linguistics", "Linguistic Expertise", "Syntactic Phraseology".

   Chairman of the State Attestation Commission at the Faculty of Linguistics and Journalism, Russian State University of Economics.

   V.Y. Melikyan has developed general and specific issues of the language aesthetics of fiction, as well as expressive stylistics. In particular, there has been developed and systematized methodological foundations of the theory of syntactic phraseology , and a new systemic theory of syntactic phraseology has been come up with on the material of Russian, English, Spanish and German languages:  syntactic phraseological units are classified with their linguistic nature established. The following phraseological classes of units are proposed to be distinguished between in the system of syntactic phraseology: communicums, phrase schemes, sustainable patterns and set expressions (paremias, catchphrases, cliches, etc.).

   The language of fiction is distinguished by the abundance and originality of aesthetic resources, the core of which is syntactic phraseological units. The aesthetic significance of the latter is already inherent in their very nature as those features they are characterized by are specified with their purpose - to influence an interlocutor’s feelings and emotions as well as the sphere of his aesthetic culture. The works by Don writers are rich in various expressive, aesthetically significant linguistic means that contribute to the creation of vivid, unforgettable images, as well as the implementation of a certain author's intention. For example, M.A. Sholokhov makes use of various communicative and pragmatic features of syntactic phraseological units in his works with great skill (см., например: Меликян В.Ю. Коммуникемы в языке произведений М.А. Шолохова: эстетический аспект // Слово и текст: Монография. Ростов н/Д: ЮФУ, 2020. (Melikyan, V.Y. Communikemes in the language of works by M.A. Sholokhov: aesthetic aspect. Word and text: Monograph. Rostov n/D: Southern Federal University, 2020, pp. 86-91. (In Russ.).

   The use of syntactic phraseological units characterizes the linguistic personality itself: the degree of its education, a flair for languages, peculiarities of its temperament, character, social experience, etc. The pragmatic nature of syntactic phraseological units is one of its leading and aesthetically significant properties. It is not emotions themselves that are important here, but the fact they allow you to emphasize and strengthen the key components of meaning.

   The research made it possible to provide a phraseographic description of syntactic phraseological units of various classes. Some relevant dictionaries have been published:

   1. Меликян В.Ю. Синтаксический фразеологический словарь русского языка. [Электронный ресурс]. М.: Флинта: Наука, 2013. 400 с. (Melikyan V.Y. Syntactic phraseological dictionary of the Russian Language. [E-resource]. Moscow: Flint: Science, 2013, 400 p. (In Russ.).

   2. Меликян В.Ю. Словарь экспрессивных устойчивых фраз: фразеосхемы и устойчивые модели. Изд. 4-е. М.: Флинта: Наука, 2020. 336 с. (Melikyan V.Y. Dictionary of expressive resistant phrases: fixed phrase schemes and sustainable models. Ed. 3-rd. Moscow: Flint: Science, 2020. 336 р. (In Russ.).

   Syntactic phraseological units form an important part of the expressive means of syntax in any language. The main sphere of their functioning is conversational speech. Syntactic phraseological units represent an extremely effective tool for communicative interaction. They form the basis of everyday communication for every person, let us express our individuality and give some special flavor to our speech. Their competent and appropriate usage indicates a high level of a person's linguistic competence. The given language resource is actively used in the language of fiction.

   The level of the obtained empirical-theoretical generalizations made it possible to develop a relevant textbook:

   Меликян В.Ю. Современный русский язык. Синтаксическая фразеология. Учебное пособие для студентов. Изд. 3-е. М.: Флинта: Наука, 2017. 232 с. (Melikyan V.Y. The contemporary Russian Language. Syntactic phraseology. A textbook for students. Ed. 3-rd Moscow: Flint: Science, 2017, 232 p. (In Russ.).

   The present textbook is the result of the development of the school of thought on syntactic phraseology. Over the past fifteen years, under the supervision of the author of the textbook, more than twenty post doctoral and postgraduate students have prepared their thesis on the problems of syntactic phraseology in various languages and taken their degrees. ( E.G. Ahalkatsi, Yu.M. Belozerova, D.A. Vakulenko, E.V. Vershinina, Yu.S. Gurikova, O.G. Dallakyan, V.A. Krasnov, A.L. Kuksa, E.V. Kudel’kina, A.V. Melikyan, S.S. Musaelyan, E.V. Nagaeva, A.I. Ostapenko, V.V. Pankova, V.V. Posidelova, V.R. Sarkisyants, E.M. Slivnaya, I.E. Fisenko, A.V. Chugui and others).

   Various text categories are actively studied in relation to the problems of the language aesthetics of fiction and expressive stylistics: enantiosemy of lexical and syntactic units, the phenomenon of syntactic semioimplication, context, the phenomenon of speech stereotyping, speech etiquette, the invective potential of lexical and phraseological units and many other things.

   An important area of the research is also the issues of cognitive linguistics, which are extremely relevant in relation to the texts of fiction, for example, the phenomenon власть (‘power’) as a part of the Russian phraseological worldview is described: the most important social conscience spheres of the phenomenon власть are defined: politics, economics, sociology, psychology and philosophy, the most significant micro-concepts, i.e. the particular cognitive fields (‘power in politics’, ‘power in economics’, ‘power in society’, ‘power in psychology’, ‘power in philosophy’) as well as macroconcept (the common cognitive field) власть  are described; phraseological units objectifying this phenomenon are singled out; the phraseosemantic field власть is built on the basis of meaningfulness of the certain semantic features for the phenomenon characterization and for the common understanding of the concept власть in the Russian phraseology; the phraseosemantic field based on the frequency of representation of individual semantic traits in the meaning of phraseological units is formed, a general understanding of the phenomenon of власть in the phraseeosemantic consciousness of Russian speakers is formulated; the integral and differentiating features of the cognitive and phraseosemantic fields are revealed; the phraseological field of власть reflecting the importance of phraseological units in the process of representation of this concept is formed; the ratios between the main semantic components ("dominance" and "subordination") that structure all these types of fields are established. Thus, the issues analyzed in the article are viewed in terms of the contemporary integral paradigm of cross-disciplinary scientific knowledge. As a result, the syncretic essence of the concept власть that includes two opposite and incompatible principles господство (‘supremacy’) and подчинение (‘submission’) are brought out. The national and cultural specificity of the Russian phraseosemantic worldview and the peculiarities of the Russian linguistic society in the aspect of the phenomenon власть (‘power’) are established.

   The concept PENITENCE is parameterized in the cognitive, national and cultural aspects: the cognitive features which are differentiated on the more or less significant ones are singled out; the conceptual field is formed; the cognitive scenario (concept-frame, concept-scenario) of this complex and multistage action is described; its predominantly intellectual character is established.

   Syntactic phraseological units have been studied in the logical-semantic and grammatical-communicative aspects, with their specificity revealed in contrast to free syntactic constructions. It is established that the phenomenon of phraseologization expands the capabilities of the phraseological scheme in the cognitive and communicative aspects and determines the ability to represent a wider design of knowledge in comparison with a free syntactic construction. In this regard, the phraseological scheme is qualified as a special design of linguistic knowledge.

   Together with his post doctoral and postgraduate students V.Y. Melikyan has investigated the following (see additional file): otterminological and terminological units in the literary text by M. Sholokhov in the structural-semantic, pragmatic and ethnolinguistic aspects, text paradigms of phraseological units in M.A. Sholokhov's fiction in structural-semantic and functional-stylistic aspects, M.Yu. Lermontov's lyric universe in terms of semantics and poetics, the existential concept sphere in L. Andreev’s stories 1900-1910, the world picture in Russian and French phraseology (based on the concept of "human behavior"), problems of an ambivalent linguistic personality in the lexical, grammatical and pragmatic aspects, the phenomenon of communicative freedom in oral and written discourse, V. Gaft's epigrams in the pragmalinguistic and idiostylistic aspects, lexical and stylistic variability of language in the social and gender aspects (based on the works by John Fowles), the onomasticon of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" in the structural, semantic and functional aspects, gender-based dominants and their linguistic representation in "women's fiction" (based on the works by V. Tokareva), the semantic and pragmatic aspects of text paradigms of phraseological units (based on the language of Leonid Filatov's works), slang in English and Russian in the structural-semantic, etymological, functional and stylistic aspects (based on the works by D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye" and D. Gutsko "A Russian Speaker"), linguistic means of realizing the category of certainty-uncertainty and their stylistic functions in Russian rock poetry, a meaning, sense, concept and intentionality in the aspect of the system of correlations, the problem of linguistic knowledge formalization (based on the punctuation in the Russian language) and many other things.

Research projects:

  1. Melikyan, V.Yu., Melikyan, A.V., & Vakulenko, D.A. Enantiosemy phenomenon: system and speech parameterization. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2016, N1, pp. 128-134. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2016-1-128-134. Scopus.
  2. Melikyan V.Yu., Akbaeva O.V. Fixed phrase schemes with a compulsory component – a syncategorematic word – in the modern Russian language. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Filologiya, 2017, pp. 47. 57-71. DOI: 10.17223/19986645/47/4. (In Russ.). Scopus.
  3. Melikyan, V.Yu., Melikyan, A.V., & Posidelova, V.V. Concept PENITENCE in the Russian orthodox culture. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2017, N3, pp.81-92. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2017-3-81-92. (In Russ.). Scopus.
  4. Melikyan V.Y., Melikyan A.V., Dzubenko A.I. Syntactic phraseological units. Syntactic phraseology. Phraseological subsystem of language. Zeitschrift fur Slawistik, 2017, N1, pp. 1-25. DOI 10.1515/slaw-2017-0002. Scopus; Web of Science.
  5. Melikyan, V.Yu., Melikyan, A.V., & Posidelova, V.V. The classification of English fixed phrase schemes according to phraseological hierarchy. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2018, 2, 145-151. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2018-2-145-151.). Scopus.
  6. Melikian V.Y., Melikian A.V. Phenomenon of syntax semioimplication. Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Slowianskiej, 2018, V.53, pp. 348-368. DOI: 10.11649/sfps.2018.021. (In Russ.) Scopus; Web of Science.
  7. Melikyan, V.Y., Melikyan, A.V., & Posidelova, V.V. Fixed phrase scheme «Когда + же + Pron1 + V!» in the Russian language. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2019, 3, pp. 110-119. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2019-3-110-119. (In Russ.). Scopus.
  8. Melikyan V.Y., Melikyan A.V., Kasatkina E.A. The phenomenon власть (‘power’) as a Part of Russian Phraseosemantic Worldview. Zeitschrift fur Slawistik, 2019, N 64 (3), рр. 404-444. DOI 10.1515/slaw-2019-0023. Scopus; Web of Science.
  9. Melikyan, V.Y., Melikyan, A.V., & Posidelova, V.V. Fixed phrase scheme as a special linguistic knowledge for-mat. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2020, 3, pp. 43-55. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2020-3-43-55. (In Russ.). Scopus.
  10. Melikyan V.Y. Fixed phrase schemes «Хорош + N1!1» and «Хорош + N1!2» in the contemporary Russian language. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Filologiya, 2020, N 67 (In Russ.). Scopus.

      11. Melikyan V.Y., Melikyan А.V. Communikemes with «evaluative» meaning: etymological aspect (based on the English language material). RUDN journal of language studies, semiotics and semantics, 2017, V.8, N1, pp. 78-88. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2299-2017-8-1-78-88. (In Russ.).

     12. Melikyan V.Y. Dictionary of expressive resistant phrases: fixed phrase schemes and sustainable models. Ed. 3-rd Moscow: Flint: Science, 2017. 336 р. (In Russ.).

     13. Melikyan V.Y. The contemporary Russian Language. Syntactic phraseology. A textbook for students. Ed. 3-rd Moscow: Flint: Science, 2017, 232 p. (In Russ.).

    14. Melikyan V.Y.  Syntactic phraseological units: fixed phrase schemes: Monograph. Rostov-on-Don: Donizdat Publishing House, 2019. 268 p. (In Russ.).

    15. Melikyan, V.Y. Communikemes in the language of works by M.A. Sholokhov: aesthetic aspect. Word and text: Monograph. Rostov n/D: Southern Federal University, 2020, pp. 86-91. (In Russ.).


  • Language theory
  • Forensic linguistics
  • Syntactic phraseology