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Marina Nikolaevna Dubyago 

+7(928) 175-82-25

Associate Professor

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Area of scientific interest is the development of algorithms, mathematical modeling, research, and ensure the reliability of power supply systems and automation devices based on them, namely the search for new and improvement of existing methods and tools for continuous monitoring and diagnosis of faults in the power cable lines, as well as the theoretical foundations of the study of trends and forecasting the development of power systems.

Research projects:

Postgraduate studies and continuing research master's thesis is the further development of methods to determine the conductivity of the electrical isolation without the use of additional equipment, based on the measurement of the network parameters of the regime.
The objectives of the study are: to develop the best methods for determining the parameters of isolation; classification and selection of software power cable lines; A mathematical model for predicting the damaged PCL.
The purpose of her research is: the study of the PD in the insulation elements of electrical systems, the development of methods and diagnostic tools for the PD to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment; improving the safety of distribution networks 6 ... 35 kV with insulated neutral due to the further development of methods for determining the conductivity of the insulation and the place of its damage on regime parameters of the network; development of optimal methods for determining the parameters of isolation, and the place of its damage on the basis of the measurement mode parameters network and research the effectiveness of these methods.

Approbation of the work: The main content and results of the thesis were reported and discussed at the 10th Russian and 11 international scientific conferences.

A method for the continuous determination of complex isolation conduction in the presence of the static and dynamic load unbalance the grid;
We studied methods of evaluation and predictive models of insulation condition of PCL and developed a mathematical model for predicting damage to the PCL;

A prediction of damage to the insulation of electric cable line networks.


  • General power engineering
    The objectives of development disciplines (modules): the development of the theoretical foundations of thermal energy conversion in thermal power plants of various industries and power plants of various types, as well as the fundamentals of the design and operation of such facilities. Objectives: To acquire skills for calculating thermal power circuits and industrial-heating boilers; drawing heat balance and calculation of the basic technical and economic parameters of thermal power plants; the formation of the capacity for independent learning and independent work.