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Marina Victorovna Burachevskaya 

Senior researcher

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

The study of the composition of heavy metal compounds in soils of the Azov-black sea basin, the territories of technogenic impact; investigation of the mechanisms of absorption, retention and accumulation of the different soil components, heavy metals in soils of southern Russia; finding the best methods of fractionation of heavy metals from soils, the study of the behavior of heavy metals in soils and plants in natural, anthropogenically-modified and simulated environment; finding ways to bioremediation of soils from pollutants (heavy metals and organic pollutants) to improve soil fertility and quality of plants.

Research projects:

Supervisor of the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR) grant mol_a, No. 16-34-00573 "Fractional-group composition of copper compounds in soils of the Northern Azov region: approaches, methods and environmental value" in 2016.

The contractor 10 project: Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, the Russian scientific Fund and the Russian Foundation for basic research.

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