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Maksim Aleksandrovich Vaskov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12605


Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Sociology of management, the culture of management, sociology of civil identity, safety, city, regional and municipal management

Research projects:

Grant for internship at the University of Illinois at Chicago of American Councils for International Education on the program “The management of local communities”. Number SEVIS: N0008624348, 2011.

The competition of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund supporting young scientists, 2012. The theme: Institutional mechanisms of forming civil political identity in a cosmopolitan city, 12-33-01438 2012-06-15, the administrator.

The state contract N 145 for organizing and realizing a complex sociological research in the problem of the development of youth policy to make a complex picture of the Rostov region youth. The order of the Committee for Youth Policy of the Rostov region government, 2012, the administrator.

The state contract N 0158200002512000-01 for organizing and realizing a complex sociological research in the work of the local body of legislative power, the tender of the Rostov region Legislative Assembly, 2013, the administrator.


  • Sociology
    The goals of studying the “Sociology" discipline: receiving theoretical knowledge in laws and patterns of developing and functioning social systems and institutes, learning the discourse of sociology, learning sociological methods of modeling and scripting social-economical processes, learning quantitative and qualitative methods of sociological research. The mail goal of the course “Sociology" is studying the complex of theoretical concepts about methods and techniques of analysis, modeling and forecasting social processes, and learning practical skills of making socio-humanitarian researches.
  • Social risks: terrorism and armed conflict
    The goals of learning the discipline: learning the specifics of social risk as a social phenomenon, problems of its studying and correction, working out methodology, methods and mechanisms of preventing social risks and their overcoming, forming masters students scientific-professional understanding of political terror in its variety, forming the ideology, political culture and professional competence of graduates.
  • Sociology and political science
    The goals of learning the discipline (module): learning theoretical knowledge in patterns of social and political life of society, shaping the picture of cohesive social-political characteristic of modern society, receiving the knowledge of real problems of social and political life of Russia in the 21st century. The main goal of the course “Sociology and political science" is studying the complex of theoretical concepts about methods and techniques of analysis, modeling and forecasting socio-political processes, and learning practical skills of making sociological researches in the sphere of socio-political problematic.