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Vladimir Ivanovich Mareev 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 20000


Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

Vladimir Ivanovich Mareev is the full professor of the chair of technology and professional education. He is the full Doctor of Pedagogical sciences. He graduated the physical faculty of the former Rostov State Pedagogical University. The total stage of his professional activity is equal to forty five (45) years, and namely more than thirty five years he successfully works at his native Pedagogical University (now one of the part of Southern Federal University).

The scientific career of Vladimir Ivanovich began from the assistant stage, then he became the senior teacher and after that the docents and professors titles have been honored to him. The stages of his administration activity include such as vice rector of science, the first vice rector, the head of the department and finally in 2005 he became a rector of RSPU.

From the December of 2006 till the September of 2012 he was the head of the Pedagogical Institute of SFU.

Vladimir Ivanivich is an author of 159 scientific and teaching papers. He was honored the diploma of All-russian competition of the organization and rearing projects in the establishments of higher education. He is a laureate of the medal named by K.D. Ushinskiy and is an honored worker in the field of higher education of Russian Federation. In 2009 the presidium of Russian Arts Academy has honored him as a honorary member of this Academy.

Mareev Vladimir Ivanovich is an acting vice-president of the united Dissertational Council number D 999.027.02.