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Maria Alekseevna Malitskaya 

Senior researcher

Research Institute of Physics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Functional materials, multiferroics, ferroelectrics-semiconductors

Research projects:

Participation in grants:

RFBR Grant No 14-02-90438 Ucr_a Synthesis and studies of novel single phase Fe-containing oxide magnetoelectrics with near-room-temperature multiferroic phase (2014-2015)

RFBR Grant No 14-02-90024 Bel_а New solid solutions based on ternary iron-containing perovskites- multiferroics: high-pressure synthesis and studies of physical properties (2014-2015)

RFBR Grant No 13-03-00869_а Studies of the possibility of control the magnetic properties of complex iron-containing perovskite multiferroics by mechanoactivation (2013-2015)

RFBR Grant No 12-02-90019-Bel_а. High pressure synthesis of novel multiferroics on the base of complex perovskites and study of their properties.(2012-2013)

RFBR Grant No 11-02-90428-Ucr_а. Synthesis and studies of solid solutions of multiferroics- relaxors ferroelectrics to designing multifunctional magnetoelectric materials of new generation (2011-2012)

RFBR Grant No 09-02-92672_Ind_а. Novell multifunctional (magnetic, electric, and semiconductive) effects in solid solutions of ternary magnetic perovskites (2009-2010)

RFBR Grant No 08-02-92006 NNS_a Synthesis, characterization and theoretical prediction of environmentally benigh (AA')(BB')O3 multifunctional ferroelectric materials (A,A'=Na,K,Li, Bi,Ba,Sr; B,B'= Nb, Ta, Sb,Fe, Ti) (2008-2010)

RFBR Grant No 07-02-12165-ofi Studies of giant field-induced pyroelectric and piezoelectric activity of mono- and polycrystalline relaxors aimed to design the new types of high-sensitive pyroelectric and piezoelectric transducers (2007-2008)

RFBR Grant No 05-02-90568 NNS_a Comparative studies of diffused phase transitions in lead-containing relaxors and environmentally friendly lead-free perovskite solid solutions derived from antiferroelectics (2005-2007)

RFBR Grant No  05-03-32214-а Studies of crystallochemical regularities of the relaxor- like properties formation in solid solutions of lead-free perovskite antiferroelectrics (2005-2007)