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Marina Aleksandrovna Lesnichaya 

Associate Professor

Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Uneven development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional typology, budget sector reform, intergovernmental relations, cognitive modeling of organizational systems, factor analysis and multicollinearity of variables, cluster analysis, interregional convergence, discriminant analysis, sustainable development, subregional integration associations

Research projects:

RFBR "Modeling of Sustainable Development of the Region in the Conditions of Intermunicipal Socio-Economic Differentiation in the Process of Reforming the Budget Sector" N 18-010-00835, (900 000 rub.), 2018
RGNF "Modeling the processes of re-industrialization of territorial-industrial complexes in the architecture of the economic and geographical space of Russia" (900.00 thousand rub.), 2015-2016.
Federal Target Program "Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia", N state. contract 14.A18.21.07.01 "Methodology for modeling interbudgetary relations in the system of socio-economic development of the region" (1 000 050 rub.) 2012-2013.
RHSF "Factors and ways to overcome the uneven socio-economic development of regions in the context of the reform of the public sector" (400 000 rub.), 2013.
RHSF "Unevenness of socio-economic development and interregional convergence in the Azov-Black Sea subregion: parameters and assessment models" (400 000 rub.), 2014

Development of the "Concept of the introduction of electronic document management in the Administration of the city of Taganrog" (50 000 rubles). NIR on households agreement with the administration of the city of Taganrog N15213 dated 10.28.2011.
Development of "Investment Passport of the city of Taganrog" (50 000  rub.). NIR on households agreement with the administration of the city of Taganrog N15212 dated 08.11.2010.
RFBR "Modeling of Sustainable Development of the Region in the Conditions of Intermunicipal Socio-Economic Differentiation in the Process of Reforming the Budget Sector" N18-010-00835 A, 2018 (700 000 rub.)


  • Land administration
    Discipline refers to the variable part of the discipline block and is implemented in the 7th semester. To study it, one needs knowledge, skills and abilities formed by previous disciplines: "Management Theory", "System of State and Municipal Administration", "Management of Social and Economic Development of a Municipal Formation". Materials of the discipline can be used in the research work of bachelors, when writing final qualifying work, in preparation for an interdisciplinary state exam. The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of professional competencies necessary for future specialists in the field of land relations regulation.
  • Organization of small business in the municipality
    Discipline refers to the variable part of the discipline block and is implemented in the 5 semester. To study this discipline requires knowledge, skills and abilities, formed by previous disciplines: "The system of state and municipal government", "Organization Theory". Materials of the discipline can be used in the research work of bachelors, when writing final qualifying work, in preparation for an interdisciplinary state exam. The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of general cultural and professional competencies necessary for understanding the foundations of the socio-economic development of a municipality, the impact on the socio-economic development of a territory, the organization of small business, to develop and improve the organizational and legal aspects of municipal management of small business and the development of market-based business methods.
  • Urban economics
    Discipline refers to the variable disciplines and is implemented in the 7 semester. To study this discipline requires knowledge, skills and abilities, formed by the previous discipline: "The system of state and municipal management." Materials of the discipline can be used in the research work of bachelors, when writing final qualifying work, in preparation for an interdisciplinary state exam. The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of general professional and professional competencies that allow a high-level professional activities in the management of the city's economy.
  • Region economics
    Discipline refers to the basic part of the discipline block and is implemented in 4,5 semesters. To study this discipline requires knowledge, skills and abilities, formed by previous disciplines: "Management Theory", "System of State and Municipal Management". The list of subsequent academic disciplines for which knowledge and skills are required that are formed by this academic discipline: A study of socio-economic and political processes "," Management of the socio-economic development of municipal education. "The materials of the discipline can be used in the research work of bachelors, writing qualifying paper in preparation for an interdisciplinary state exam. The purpose of the discipline "Regional Economics and Management" is to theoretical system of knowledge in the field of regional management and economics, as well as practical skills in applying regional diagnostic methods, which are used to develop state programs for the development of the territory and solve problems of the development of the territorial and sectoral structure of the Russian economy.
  • Fiscal system
    Discipline refers to the basic part of the discipline block and is implemented in the 4 semester. To study this discipline requires knowledge, skills and abilities formed by previous disciplines: "Statistics", "System of state and municipal government", "Demography". Materials of the discipline can be used in the research work of bachelors, when writing final qualifying work, in preparation for an interdisciplinary state exam. The purpose of studying the discipline is the development of general professional and professional competencies in the direction of "state and municipal management", the knowledge and skills necessary for analyzing the tax component of management at all levels of government, assessing the state of the economic, social, political environment, the activities of government.