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Ludmila Yurievna Goncharova 

Associate Professor

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Research interests:

Soil Sceince,  Chemistry soils, soils monitoring


  • soil science
    The purpose of development of discipline "Soil science": the acquisition by students of basic knowledge of soil science, revealing the fundamental regularities of organization and functioning of complex bio ; inert system of the soil; the foundations of the theory of formation and rational use of soils.
  • Modern research methods in soil science
    The purpose of the development of the discipline "Modern methods of research in soil science" ; introduction and training of students of modern chemical and physical methods of analysis of soils in the solution of problems in soil science, Agrochemistry and melioration, soil protection from chemical pollution.
  • Practice to obtain primary professional skills of research work
    Practice goals are: - completion of the formation of ideas, the consolidation and deepening of theoretical training of students in soil science;- the acquisition by students of practical skills and competences, and experience of independent professional activity, mastering the basic methods of soil research; - preparation for practical training
  • The resistance of soils to anthropogenic influences
    The purpose of discipline - the study of the problem of stability of soils and ecosystems to various types of anthropogenic impacts, as well as the study of patterns of relationship of organisms at all levels of the organization with the environment.